“I Would Vote for You, If You Had a Penis” – Elizabeth Warren Claimed People Told Her During 2020 Campaign, According To New Book
Sure they did, Liz, sure they did.

Let me begin by saying that this story is embarrassing, even by Elizabeth Warren standards.
According to a new book about the 2020 election, Elizabeth Warren blamed her loss in the 2020 Democratic primary, and maybe even the general election had she won the nomination, on the fact that she didn’t have a penis.
This all reportedly unfolded following her debate clash with Bernie Sanders, when she accused him of sexism and then claimed that he was calling her a liar.
Ali Vitali writes at Politico:
Elizabeth Warren and the ‘Electability Question’
What a night!” Elizabeth Warren said.
It was past 3 a.m. on Iowa Caucus Night and we were barreling through the air from DesMoines to Manchester. At the back of the plane, the press corps was exhausted, contorted into resting positions in our seats but too scared to fall asleep for fear that the candidate would come to the back of the plane. And then there she was, coming right toward me, clad in a dark blue campaign-branded hoodie and brandishing party-size bags of Smartfood popcorn and Doritos…
And back on the plane in the hours following the January 2020 Iowa Caucus, hurtling into New Hampshire and toward the next primary — down but not yet out — she knew at least one explanation for why. Deepa Shivaram, NBC’s Warren embed, brought up the “women win” messaging and the fact that, at least in this Iowa Democratic Caucus … they didn’t. Where did that message come from, Deepa asked,and why was it important to speak to gender now?
“I’m responding to what people wanna hear,” Warren told us plainly, with a characteristically biting edge in her voice. She spoke sometimes as if all the annoyance and frustration she had about the political system simmered right on the edge of her words, teeming on the top of her teeth, threatening to spill over.
We’d talked about the dynamics of Iowa, her competitors and the pressure she put on herself not “to screw this up.” But here and now she offered her plainest view of the landscape yet: “Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had a penis.’”
Kylee Griswold of The Federalist asks the obvious question:
If Male Genitalia Are All Elizabeth Warren Needs To Take The White House, Why Hasn’t She Just Gotten Them?
Ignoring for a moment the absurdity of the whole thing (her use of the word “everyone” is almost as believable as her claims to American Indian heritage) and her vulgarity (she could have just said “if you were a man”), there’s a bigger point here. Though Warren claims she believes “women win,” deep down she appears to believe that the primary thing barring her from the White House is her biology and Democrat voters’ misogyny. But why should that stop her?
According to her party and Warren herself, biology is mutable. During the 2020 election cycle, the senator from Massachusetts became somewhat of an icon among transgender-identified folks, with her “focus on protecting black trans women in particular” hailed as “unprecedented” by fawning media. She leaned so hard into the idea that women can become men and vice versa, in fact, that during a town hall she pledged that whomever she would nominate to head her Department of Education would have to be vetted by a 9-year-old kid whose parents had confused her into believing she was a little boy.
As you can probably imagine, people are having some fun with this on Twitter:
This sounds only 1,024th true
— Jeremy Frankel
(@FrankelJeremy) August 12, 2022
— Will Collier (@willcollier) August 12, 2022
— Passably Affable (@tbrusletten) August 12, 2022
This story is even less true than Elizabeth Warren claiming to be Native American. pic.twitter.com/hPVcfS6kG7
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) August 12, 2022
BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren comes out as transphobic, thinks having a penis is what makes you a man https://t.co/6Gl1cIDSl2
— Peachy Keenan (@KeenanPeachy) August 12, 2022
Elizabeth Warren: “Everyone comes up to me and says, ‘I would vote for you, if you had a penis.’” Okay, I’m just going to let that sit there. pic.twitter.com/DZsmUouLQn
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) August 12, 2022
There’s a better chance @SenWarren has a penis than there is of her being an Indian https://t.co/UbUzSGUUL5
— The Big Dig (@TheBigDigmystic) August 12, 2022
If Warren ever runs again, I’m really looking forward to this issue being addressed in a debate.

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A feminist chauvinist pig speaking truth to power through projection.
Women, men, and “our Posterity” are from Earth. Feminists are from Venus. Masculinists are from Mars. Social progressives are from Uranus.
She is a penis. A little tiny one.
Yeah, but not as tiny the percentage of her DNA that is Cherokee.
Lieawatha speaks with forked tongue. Lieawatha lies again.
I’m confused. Warren claims she would have won the 2020 nomination if she had a penis, but Shillary won the 2016 nomination. If, by using her logic, can we assume that Shillary is a man?
Wow – I’m now just recalling that untouched photo of Moochelle.
I’m in MA, and I wouldn’t voter for her if she had two penises….
Her place is in the home, tending the children and taking care of the breadwinner.
Vacuuming the wigwam. Yup.
With a Eureka.
Accidental thumbs down.
So she’s saying every democrat voter is a sexist.
Sounds about right to me.
No. Don’t let that witch near children.
Another politician unwilling to give the people what they want. It’s only a minor operation Pocahontas.
And she’s already taken all the probity blockers.
There is a 1/1024th chance that the significance of Pocahontas will not be lost with the passage of time
A brain that works on structure rather than its feelings is what she’d need. Penis vs vagina is only a maintenance-time issue.
She has enough testosterone now, that she may grow a penis
She could do a transfusion to Joe. He’s a quart low.
Of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most.
Plant one on your forehead and I might vote for your dick….d.
Same excuse John Kasich used
And Romney, after he lost the debate to Candy Crowely – er – Little Obama.
This is proof her only agenda and what in fact kept her from getting votes was her self-serving attitude.
Does anyone actually believe this crap?
If that’s a direct quote, not only did she say one person said this but that many did (“everyone”).
Yes. Most of their readers believe anything they’re told:
I’ll take “Things No One Said” for $1,000″ Ken.
I’d be too scared to look.
As I depart Massachusetts for Florida, I leave behind one Senator who is a completely shrill fraud and crackpot (Warren), the other a hapless dolt with no accomplishments whatsoever (Markey). GOOD RIDDANCE!
Not to mention that those people talk funny.
She is only asking for a fair erection. She seeks federal interdiction to organ-ize her crass routes campaign.
The circles on the Venn diagram are way to close together.
No one knows whether or not you have a penis sweetie. Just declare that you do!
Then she’d be Lie-a-Weiner.
she’s living proof that you don’t have to have a johnson to be a lying cocksucker
Bernie Sanders has a penis (I presume) and I didn’t vote for him either. What’s your point, Lie-a-watha?
This story sounds like Warren’s mental health is slipping. Looking at Biden, it appears that that’s a resume enhancer for Democrats.
She Democrat presidential material.
Heap big campaign totem pole. Attractum many native votes.
Fauxcahontas probably has a penis and a Tommmyhawk hidden in her caboose like some Squaws do.
If Elizabeth Warren says it, I am 100% sure it’s a lie.
What’s her problem? Prosthetics are readily available.
Democrat “Women’s Health” now extends to subsidized strap-ons, doesn’t it?
We need a LGBQT+-&^Planck’s Constant initial for a word for a woman who says she wants to be a man but is too chicken-shit to go for it, who laments that men have it better while at the same time hates them and would end up discriminating against himself once the transition that would never happen was complete. What is a good word for that.
No, No, No….Mz. Warren misunderstood what people said…..
What people REALLY said was….
“I wouldn’t vote for you….cause you’re a dick…!”
This lady can’t stop making stuff up. What a liar.
Why not? When you’re morals-challenged, you realize it works with OVER half the population, and it gets the winks and nods of the McConnells and Romneys we are too stupid to not keep voting for.
We thought she might be too embarrassed to keep lying after the “high cheek bones” thing, but she persisted.
I put Lizzy Warren the closest to a true Marxist and would be the first to open the Gulags
Fauxcahontas is such a manifestly insufferable, miserable and vile fabulist and narcissist. Not a single word that comes out of this execrable harridan’s mouth can be taken at face value.
I checked my long list of reasons why I didn’t vote for Elizabeth Warren. This wasn’t on it. So I added it.
She misunderstood, they said “I’d vote for you if you weren’t a c***””
Despite Fauxohantas being penileity challenged, she is still a world class Dick!
So she is calling liberal men (or women?) sexist now?
I have not been to MA is years but I did not like it. I am a Republican but I really do not understand how MA can keep voting these people in. Warren plays that she is for the common person, yet she gets paid $400k for teaching 1 class at Harvard that costs way too much and she makes on top of that a great salary from the Congress. Warren always lies about what she is and does not vote for the people of the USA.
So she’s calling her would-be supporters sexists?
It’s no news that Fauxohantas has forked tongue. But this latest invention shows how stupid she believes her fans to be. Sadly, she is probably correct in that belief.
Elizabeth Warren can’t or wolnt listen to her voters. If the voters want you to be a Tranny, then don’t complain about it when you don’t become a tranny and don’t win.