Bill Maher Slams Libs Defending Censorship Of Hunter Laptop: “he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden”

Every once in a while Bill Maher gets something right. On a recent show, Maher shocked has-been actor Rob Reiner with the fact that the media has finally admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop was not only real but that they buried it to ensure that President Trump was not reelected.

Here at LI, we covered the Hunter Biden laptop story, the media purposefully ignoring it, and Big Tech purposefully throttling it on social media.  The latter we’ve since learned occurred because the DOJ and its enforcement arm, the FBI, have determined that meddling in elections to promote Democrats is part of their job description.

Unfortunately, not enough people who might have changed their minds about voting for Biden are plugged into right media, including sites like LI.  And obviously, those on the left, like Rob Reiner, have no clue what is actually going on because they live in a bubble that is never penetrated by uncomfortable truths because the legacy media works with and supports Democrats rather than providing information to the public.

Apparently, Reiner had no clue that Democrat media activists have admitted, belatedly (i.e. after the election), that the Hunter Biden influence peddling scandal was real.

Yes, just as the left boasted in Time magazine, there was indeed a conspiracy to ensure that President Trump was not reelected.  And part of that conspiracy was purposefully burying a damning story about the Democrat candidate, one that calls into question not only his ethics but his potential as a national security threat.

But having a thoroughly corrupt sitting president who got his 10% as the “big guy” in his son’s pay-to-play schemes with our nation’s enemies was somehow better than letting the people decide whom they preferred to be president.  So they hid Biden’s corruption to protect him at the polls.

It’s all thoroughly disgusting, and the involvement of the FBI in perpetrating this fraud on the American people is so far beyond the pale–so unAmerican, so anti-democratic–that it’s almost incomprehensible.

Bill Maher is clearly not comfortable with the media’s role in the conspiracy to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story in order to, as he puts it, “get rid of Trump.”

Fox News reports:

“Real Time” host Bill Maher blasted the widespread suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 presidential election.During Friday night’s panel discussion, Maher highlighted the controversial comments made by liberal podcaster Sam Harris, who openly approved of the “conspiracy” to bury the brewing scandal that implicated then-candidate Joe Biden in order to defeat President Trump on Election Day.”Is it okay to have a conspiracy to get rid of Trump?” Maher began. “They were talking about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was a story and now all the mainstream press has finally admitted it was a real story. It was a real laptop.”Maher went on, “Now look, let’s not pussyfoot around this; he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden. I mean, most political sons do, but let’s not pretend at least that was going on… so Hunter Biden’s laptop was buried by the press. Even the head of Twitter Jack Dorsey said that was a mistake… So Sam Harris says it was appropriate for Twitter, and the heads of Big Tech, and the heads of journalistic organizations to feel that they were in the presence of something that is a once-in-a-lifetime moral emergency, meaning Trump. So he’s saying it’s okay to have a conspiracy, to get rid of somebody as bad as Trump.””It’s a little bit of a thorny question because once you go down this road- this is sort of where we are in this country, the other side is so evil, anything is justified in preventing them from taking office. Is it?” Maher asked.

Reiner sits there in utter shock and rebounds with “But . . . Trump!”

Fox News continues:

Director and liberal activist Rob Reiner responded by completely dodging the question, telling Maher, “You know what’s not justified? Using armed violence to try to kill people in the Capitol. That’s not justified.””Answer this question!” Maher exclaimed. “The question is- was it appropriate to bury the Hunter Biden-“”You talking about the press doing that?” Reiner asked.He’s saying that’s what they did and that is what they did,” Maher said. “They buried the Hunter Biden story before the election because they were, like, ‘We can’t risk having the election thrown to Trump. We’ll tell them after the election.'””And we know for a fact that that’s what they did?” Reiner responded.

Yes, we know that for a fact. The NY Times, WaPo, etc. all admitted it was real . . . after the election.

Needless to say, people had thoughts.

Here’s the segment:

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Bill Maher, Donald Trump, FBI, Hunter Biden, Media Bias