Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Credible And May Be “Greatest Crime in History” Argues Tucker Carlson

From the start of the covid pandemic to the present day, Legal Insurrection has been monitoring developments in the investigation of the origins of the SARS-Cov-2 virus.I started in February of 2020, when I noted that Chinese university researchers believed virus may originate from government laboratory in Wuhan.Other sign-posts on the road to reaching this sensible conclusion are:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has also been following it. He consolidated the information into a gripping segment, which looked at the shift in the balance of power between China and the U.S.He described the negative impact of the lockdowns on the United States, while in April of 2020, China was enjoying the highest GDP it had ever recorded.

“China’s economy was growing faster after the pandemic than it had been before the pandemic. And, as a result of that, China will soon overtake the United States as the world’s dominant economy…soon.”If someone had predicted it to you ten years ago, you would have laughed. It would have seemed ridiculous. But that was before covid. Now it’s real, and covid made it possible.”In other words, the coronavirus didn’t simply change the United States, the coronavirus changed the balance of power in the world forever.”When you think about it that way, and that’s the way people who run governments think about it (trust us)…it becomes pretty obvious this was more than an over-hyped public health emergency.”In fact, it very well could have been a crime…the greatest crime in history.”

Carlson also offered evidence that shows Biden uninterested in aggressively pursuing data gathered by intelligence agencies that point to the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s labs as the point source for the virus. He referenced the sale of the oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese firm with connections to Hunter Biden.

Carlson  did a detailed review of the media campaign against anyone who connected the virus to China as “racist.” The timing of the surge of these smears exactly corresponds to the time that Chinese social media began making these assertions.

The Fox News host also  reviewed the science related to the virus. He pointed to an exchange between Dr. Anthony Fauci and another scientists that suggests the suppression of information about a potential lab origin that I had reported last year.

So Fauci asserts he couldn’t possibly have known the coronavirus was a gain-of-function, bioengineered virus. You know, despite the fact a Feb. 1, 2020 email that he sent to NIH Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss had an attachment labeled “Baric, Shi et al – Nature medicine – SARS Gain of function.pdf” and the subject line, “IMPORTANT.”

Fauci’s message had a tone of urgency, saying, “Hugh: It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on. I have a conference call at 7:45 AM with [Health and Human Services Secretary Alex] Azar. It likely will be over at 8:45 AM. Read this paper as well as the e-mail that I will forward to you now. You will have tasks today that must be done. Thanks, Tony.” Fauci sent the same attachment to Lawrence Tabak, the principal deputy director and deputy ethics counselor at NIH, with the subject line “FW: IMPORTANT” and the message, “Here it is.”

Carlson wraps the segment up with a reference to China’s monkeypox research.

The full episode is chilling and a great reminder as to why U.S. officials and responsible members of the press should not hinder the search for answers on the pandemic’s origins.

Tags: Biden China, China, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Tucker Carlson, Wuhan Coronavirus