After Sri Lanka, Globalist Green Agenda Pushes Ghana on Brink of Collapse
From the Netherlands to Sub-Saharan Africa, ‘Climate Change’ policies devastate farmers’ livelihood and food supply.

From the Netherlands to Sub-Saharan Africa, the radical ‘Climate Change’ agenda is having a devastating impact on farmers’ livelihood and the world’s food supply. Days after the government in Sri Lanka collapsed after food riots triggered by ‘climate-friendly’ farming, the West African country of Ghana is on the verge of bankruptcy primarily due to these globalist policies.
Once among the fastest-growing economies in Africa, the country is now seeking a bailout from international financial institutions. “Ghana’s debt has steadily climbed from 54.2% of GDP in 2015 to 76.6% at the end of 2021, according to government data. Debt servicing cost just under 48% of government revenue in 2021 and Eurobond yields have been too high this year to issue new ones,” CNBC Africa reported Thursday.
Until recently, Ghana was the poster boy for the globalists. Under the Paris Agreement, Ghana “sought to reduce emissions by 15 to 45 percent … by 2030 and strengthen climate resilience in close alignment with its development priorities,” the United Nations reported in September 2020.
But that wasn’t radical enough. A year later, the country presented sweeping Climate goals that were “with more ambition across sectors and the inclusion of new greenhouse gases,” the UN acknowledged. This drastic cut in greenhouse emissions requires a massive reduction in the use of fertilizers in the farming and livestock sectors.
As the price of fertilizers rises in the international market in the wake of the Ukraine conflict, the West African country struggles to meet even its current requirement.
However, Ghana and other cash-strapped African countries cannot rely on Western support for their fertilizer procurement. The European Union has refused to help African countries to their boost domestic fertilizer production as this goes against the “EU green goals.”
Reuters reported on June 21:
The European Union is divided on how to help poorer nations fight a growing food crisis and address shortages of fertilisers caused by the war in Ukraine, with some fearing a plan to invest in plants in Africa would clash with EU green goals. (…)
At a summit of EU leaders [in late June], the EU was planning a new initiative that would structurally decrease poorer nations’ reliance on Russian fertilisers by helping them develop their own fertiliser plants.
But at a meeting with EU envoys last week, the EU Commission explicitly opposed the text, warning that supporting fertiliser production in developing nations would be inconsistent with the EU energy and environment policies, officials said.
The plague of the green agenda is not limited to food security in Africa. As Tucker Carlson noted in his Fox News op-ed on Tuesday, these globalist policies are wreaking havoc on Ghana’s power sector as well.
Since Ghana signed a deal with the DC-based World Bank to ‘cut carbon emissions’ in 2019, the country is in the grip of massive power outages that impact ordinary people and industrial production alike.
Tucker Carlson writes:
So, the Green New Deal is actually taking effect around the world. So, we don’t have to guess what would happen if it took effect here. We can know. That’s science. Let’s start with Ghana. Ghana’s a pretty little country, peaceful place, actually, on the west coast of Africa. Three years ago, Ghana was in great shape. It had one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In fact, it had so much energy over most of the last decade, it was exporting it to its neighbors in West Africa.
Now, those energy exports from Ghana peaked in 2014. Why that year? Well because the next year, the World Bank published this headline on its website, “World Bank approves largest-ever guarantees for Ghana’s Energy Transformation.” Oh, when they promise to transform your energy, slow down. But Ghana didn’t slow down.
They just kept going. The World Bank promised to provide, and we’re quoting, “technical assistance for energy sector reforms and the drafting of a new renewable energy law.” So, in return for all this help, Ghana agreed to limit its carbon emissions, and then they entered the Paris climate agreement. Oh, how virtuous. What happened next? This is the part you don’t read that much about.
Last year, Ghana experienced a complete shutdown of its national power supply. No more electricity, no emissions, because we have no electricity, and blackouts have continued since then. Just yesterday, a news source in Ghana reported that, “Residents in parts of the Ashanti region who have been hit with power cuts are without water as well,” because it turns out you need electricity to provide water also to grow food. Now, this is not a small thing. The Ashanti region has millions of people living in it. They’re all now living in the Stone Age and it’s not just the energy grid that’s now compromised in Ghana.
Is South Africa Next?
Ghana isn’t alone in this predicament. South Africa, another big African economy, is also on the same trajectory.
Like in Ghana, the globalists want South Africa to adopt radical climate policies. The Biden administration and other Western governments have thrown in billions to entice the country to get on board with their ‘green’ agenda. In November 2021, the German state broadcaster DW News noted that the “US and several European nations, including Germany, have pledged $8.5 billion (€7.3 billion) to help South Africa phase out coal and expand renewable sources of energy.”
So how is South Africa’s new “green deal” faring now?
Formerly a net exporter of electricity, the country is struggling to meet even its own requirement. “South Africa is gripped by a winter of discontent as the country faces its biggest ever power crisis,” the BBC reported last week. “People are experiencing rolling blackouts of up to six hours a day and are having to face a bitterly cold winter with an erratic and unreliable power supply.”
The cheap Western money does little to help the African and other developing nations. The food and energy crisis is exasperated by rampant mismanagement, aging infrastructure, and chronic corruption in these countries.
The “Green” Policies Behind the Crisis in Sri Lanka
The devastation left behind by the so-called globalist ‘green policies’ is not limited to Africa. Sri Lanka has been its latest victim in South Asia.
Last month, the newspaper Times of India reported the adverse impact the newly-adopted ‘climate-friendly’ agriculture was having on neighboring Sri Lanka:
The ongoing catastrophe in Sri Lanka shows why attempting to feed large urban populations entirely on organic production cannot possibly succeed. As per most estimates, even a sustained shift to organic production nationally in Sri Lanka would slash yields of every major crop in the country, including drops of 35 percent for rice, 50 percent for tea, 50 percent for corn, and 30 percent for coconut. The outcome of such a shift is beyond daunting; it leads to an economic crisis like the one the country is currently suffering. [Article dated June 21, 2022]
A few weeks after the article appeared in the Indian newspaper, protestors in Sri Lanka stormed the presidential palace and overthrew the government amid food shortages and a massive Chinese debt that bankrupted the country.

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We need to use words the left understand when discussing the Green Raw Deal. It’s unsustainable.
They know, they’re counting on it.
The extremist greens will let others starve and freeze in the dark rather than admit they were wrong. Not themselves mind you, oh no, they will hop a private jet to escape to a well stocked enclave much too pricey for mere plebes to enter.
Then, they’ll turn around and claim they’re champions of brown and black folks.
Champions the same way Margaret Sanger was?
One they turn their backs I doubt they will give another thought for those impacted. Except perhaps to wonder who will be their hewer of wood and drawers of water….
We need to ask the climistas, how many deaths have you allowed for to achieve your goal of sustainability? Millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions or a billion? Surely that is your intent when you say there are too many people. Or are you really stupid enough to believe that you can achieve your goals without lots of deaths? No electricity, no fuel, no water and no crops. That’s where some of these third world countries are fast approaching.
A number of people have pointed this out for a long time. We were and are largely ignored by the extremists of the environmental movement. Particularly the jet set hopping private flights and limos back to their estates when they finish their performative outrage about carbon and climate change at some swanky forum.
“You reap what you sow” or, in this case, you don’t reap what you don’t sow.
No food. No gasoline. No money.
Sri Lanka is the first of at least two dozen countries that will fall to the global famine starting in the 4th quarter.
Is the famine that will hit these two dozen countries attributable to the “Green” agenda in every case? Thanks.
“The food and energy crisis is exasperated by rampant mismanagement”
Should be “exacerbated” I think.
Utterly predictable and very sad,.
Predictable and predicted but they will deny it was either. They will tell you it was just bad management not a bad plan. They will deny deny deny and the media will help them.
They hate people and want to kill as many as they can.
To quote the Prof. “— Democrats became the party of elite — and woke — whites. The party of Karen.”
The Climate agenda is a movement of Elite Whites….Karens of the Atmosphere.
The push back needs to use their “Woke” language, which in this case is true.
The White Elite climate agenda is causing and will cause massive hardship on POC, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa. I recently read the phrase “White colonialization of the atmosphere and climate”…..Make them justify the Racism of the Climate change agenda… EU blocking the expansion of fertilizer production in Africa because it doesn’t follow EU climate policy, etc., etc.
Undoing the damage caused by globalist elites will be tough sledding, but at least the word is now out, and it will grow. LOTS of pain in the interim.
“Climate Change” [human-caused] is a hoax.
Ask “cui bono” [who benefits?]?
Answer: China
We can see what they intend for The Netherlands, as “massive reduction in the use of fertilizers in the farming and livestock sectors” is exactly what The Hague is proposing.
Stop delivering any food to the politicians in the capitols. Let them starve first.
It almost looks like the unsustainable spending all the countries of the world have been doing is finally coming home to roost with the aid of the greenie weenie bullschiff.
If more countries go bankrupt, who the hell is going to export goods and services knowing there isn’t any value left in those countries?
With great effort, hybrid seeds, artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that allow no-till farming, and technological advances in planting and harvesting, we managed to avoid the collapse of civilization as population growth expanded above what used to be called a sustainable level.
Don’t worry. The Greens plan on fixing that.
I wonder what our own crop yields are going to look like this fall as a couple of the big railroads in May refused to transport any fertilizer, an announcement which didn’t generate much interest. If America’s wheat crop is cut by 50%, coupled with a drop in the crop in Ukraine due to the war, what will that do to the entire world?