“The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education”
CriticalRace.org rolls out its coverage of the Top 50 Medical Schools: “The swiftness and depth to which race-focused social justice education has penetrated medical schools reflects the broader disturbing trends in higher education,” Legal Insurrection founder William A. Jacobson told Fox News Digital.

Critical Race Training in Education (CriticalRace.org), a project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, previously rolled out databases on Higher Education and Elite Private Schools. The databases received substantial media attention.
We previously also rolled out a database on the Top 25 Medical Schools. Today we updated the medical school database to the Top 50 Medical Schools.
Fox News covered the story, Critical race theory-related ideas found in mandatory programs at 39 of top 50 US medical schools: report
Here’s an excerpt, head over to the Fox News link for the full story with a lot of details:
At least 39 of America’s 50 most prestigious medical colleges and universities have some form of mandatory student training or coursework on ideas related to critical race theory (CRT), according to CriticalRace.org, which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education.
Earlier this year, CriticalRace.org found that CRT was prevelant in medical schools across the country. The project from Legal Insurrection Foundation, a non-profit devoted to campus free speech and academic freedom, has since expanded its database and found even more elite medical schools are focusing on “racialization” of medicine.
“The national alarm should be sounding over the racialization of medical school education. The swiftness and depth to which race-focused social justice education has penetrated medical schools reflects the broader disturbing trends in higher education,” Legal Insurrection founder William A. Jacobson told Fox News Digital.
Jacobson, a clinical professor of law at Cornell Law School, founded CriticalRace.org’s extensive database that has also examined elite K-12 private schools and 500 of America’s top undergraduate programs.
The schools examined were based on the rankings by U.S. News’ rankings of America’s top medical schools. The latest findings show that 39 of the top 50 medical schools “have some form of mandatory student training or coursework” related to CRT and 38 offered materials by authors Robin DiAngelo and Ibram Kendi, whose books explicitly call for discrimination, according to Jacobson.
“Mandatory so-called ‘anti-racism’ training centers ideology, not patients, as the focus of medical education. This is a drastic change from focusing on the individual, rather than racial or ethnic stereotypes,” Jacobson said.
The Fox News article also previewed the coming expansion of the CriticalRace.org website:
“Almost all medical students will have attended colleges and universities awash in so-called ‘anti-racism’ social justice educational and training mandates,” Jacobson said. “These concepts will not be new to them, but they are attending medical school to learn about medicine and patient care, not as a refresher course on undergraduate race-focused education.”
He believes “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion entrenched bureaucracies promote, protect and relentlessly expand their administrative territory in medical schools,” but the resources should instead be used “to expand medical knowledge and patient care, not to enforce an ideological viewpoint.”….
Jacobson’s team at CriticalRace.org isn’t finished putting a spotlight on the situation that many feel is plaguing medical schools across the nation.
“We expect to roll out a visual interactive map of our medical school database, to accompany our higher ed map, as part of a broader expansion of CriticalRace.org in the near future,” Jacobson said.
The Fox News article got a big reaction, with almost 4 thousand comments (as of this writing).
The story also was picked up by The Daily Mail (UK), highlighting these bullet points:’
- At least 39 of America’s top 50 medical schools have some form of Critical Race Theory in their curriculums, according to new data compiled by CriticalRace.org
- The website found that of those 50 medical schools, at least 28 of them also had mandatory Critical Race Theory-based trainings for faculty and staff
- CriticalRace.org is a part of the free speech-dedicated non-profit website, Legal Insurrection, which is founded by Cornell Law professor William Jacobson
- The release of the study comes as the debate around the place of Critical Race Theory in American classrooms continues to rage across the country
We will continue to update and expand CriticalRace.org.

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Absolutely agree, it’s terrifying that thee schools will put millions of lives in the hands of those not only intellectually not capable but racist by their own definitions
Whites will be denied care
Everybody needs to claim Pocahontas ancestry
I’ve already started. I was denied monoclonals twice when I had Covid, “ they ran out”, code” for whitey get to the end of the line…
Hey, hey, ho, ho,
Affirmative action’s the way to go,
[repeat until everyone has a headache]
I have had an Affirmative migraine for years, it became much worse with the big lie that Thugvon Martin was a saint. We have universities handing out cracker jack degrees to people who simply are incapable of making the grade. The end result be lots of dead people, all to know what salve dim wit egos.
Shameful denial of antibody treatment was a feature of Minnesota’s protocol. Wife was deathly ill and her doc wouldn’t even help her negotiate through the myriad hoops to obtain treatment. The denial by category was blatant.
Add to this the questions on guns in the households. Between CRT and anti-gun sentiments, the medical community is building up a database of liberal vs conservative people.
Don’t answer those questions.
I don’t
I have a farm, when a doctor asks me about guns, I tell them I have them for varmints—-both 4 and 2 legged.
My gratitude couldn’t be higher for this professor I have been concerned about this for years.
WAJ is of course right.
The only good news is that the high achieving STEM grads that tend to make it to med school aren’t just sheeple that are young and gullible enough to be brainwashed by bullshit.
Some of them are but many are not. In fact, the percent of realistic and logical students is much higher in the STEM fields in general than in the others.
I disagree.
Doctors are the dumbest group of educated people on the planet. I’d bet well over half are progs because they lack intelligence.
Not completely wrong. Many doctors suffer from a big ego coupled with extreme arrogance. The bottom line is that doctors are not created equal, those who are the least competent often have a big chip on their shoulders.
Agree to disagree vigorously.
Doctors have to make life changing decisions on a daily basis and dont’ last very long with too many bad choices in a row.
You can convince yourself otherwise, but you would be statistically wrong.
You could show me your statistics and prove I’m wrong. But you can’t.
Doctors of old needed good memory, not high intelligence. Memory required to recall the incredible minutia of symptoms, relationship, and causes. Excellent memory is no longer required. Give me the symptoms and I can have the top diagnosis in moments thanks to the technological age. It’s all cataloged and searchable. Nearly anyone can do it now.
Doctors, most, claim masks will stop airborne virus. Need I say any more. So, they are either stupid, or government stooges (commies), or both.
If you claim fsu’s claim is statistically wrong, then you must already have his data for comparison.
Therefore you must have both sets of data. Present them.
“Doctors of old needed good memory, not high intelligence.”
I agree, still those with higher intelligence performed better.
What happens to doctors who make wrong medical decisions that are still within the cookie-cutter standard of care? They continue to make medical decisions. Is that not correct?
In fact, the percent of realistic and logical students is much higher in the STEM fields in general than in the others.
I’d like to believe you, but the number of physicians who didn’t speak out against the covid nonsense for two years seems to belie that assertion.
It’s concerning how so many doctors spouted the official dogma from the CDC and the NIH rather than asking themselves why what they were being told didn’t line up with reality.
They are quiet just like everyone else with something significant to lose.
You can call them cowards but boldness in the current regime gets your license to practice revoked and a number of anonymous complaints from the useful armies.
“They are quiet just like everyone else with something significant to lose.”
Said every concentration camp guard ever.
Bingo, nordic_prince.
They revealed themselves to be generally more corrupt and selfish than most people. Think of premeds you knew. Doesn’t it fit?
HealtyGuy , I hope you are basing your statement on empirical evidence because my fifty years in and around the medical field has given me the subjective observation that doctors, MD’s in particular, are shielded from street smarts and common sense during their intensive quest for admission to med school then the intensity of their years of training. In my view they are ripe for indoctrination and what we are seeing is proof, the AMA is totally onboard the Woketrain, many specialty organizations, Peds, Psych, , Public Health, even Endocrina and others on the “Train”. True, most doctors are not in the AMA but they must be boarded as specialists..
I hope you are right, but the trend I see is not as hopeful.
Perhaps the statement by Dr. Hendricks, the neurosurgeon in “Atlas Shrugged” can become part of the medical curriculum?
Realistically, it is going to take a major effort to get this country’s mind right!
We hear how tough residency is, how they work gazillions of hours with no sleep. But I heard they are paid by the hour, maybe $150 per hour or more. No wonder they are willing to pull those all-nighters, with free and good food provided by the drug companies.
Hope you are right. But, will that be used as some weird criteria for advancement and how hard will it be for those young minds and jr positions to fight against it.
Imagine a surgeon named Kamala Harris, Pete Butthead, Hillary Clinton, Obama or Psaki about to operate on you? I’d jump off the table if I were you….
These medical schools’ policies actually stain every minority student, including those who are truly outstanding doctors.
It used to be that you could trust black surgeons to be at least as competent as white surgeons. But now, with all the woke culture in medical schools, one has to wonder if all students are required to meet the same standards, or if there is some “anti-racism” going on.
I don’t want a doctor who squeaked through a medical school that thought it would be “racist” to flunk him out. Medicals schools need to reassure the public that they have high standards that are enforced equally regardless of race.
It’s a flat out guarantee that med schools are pushing unqualified or lesser qualified through their programs.
You are correct. I have seen it in the admissions results.
I find race based admissions utterly repugnant on many levels. However, isn’t there an objective base line the students must cross to be considered competent?
What do they call the medical student who finishes last in his class? Doctor.
Perhaps you call them “doctor” in some reverential manner. Doctors are just average run of the mill commies these days.
You planning to let the surgeon last in his class operate on you?
I don’t recall that time when you could count on affirmative action not playing into the probable competence of a physician. And they still have to pass MLE Step 1 which is still racially blind. If that changes, all bets are truly off.
“Medicals schools need to reassure the public that they have high standards that are enforced equally regardless of race.”
Clearly, they value PC Affirmative BS more than having competency standards.
“National alarm should be sounding over radicalization of med school education.”
You read it here first! Do your part and spread the word.
P.S. Don’t tell anybody at work or you will get fired. If you are a school teacher, don’t anybody anywhere at anytime.
And, when medical school admissions and curricula are fashioned according to the racist and race-obsessed diktats of the Dumb-o-crats, is it any surprise that brazenly racist and unconstitutional protocols giving lesser priority of access to non-“persons of color,” with regard to Wuhan virus vaccines and drug treatments, become standard operating procedure in myriad Dumb-o-crat-managed states?
For too long medicine has been wed to science and the relief of suffering. It’s about time it promoted nonsense and unabated chronic disease.
As Senator Hruska said about Carswell’s nomination to the Supreme Court, “Even if he were mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren’t they, and a little chance? We can’t have all Brandeises, Frankfurters and Cardozos.”
I guess the medical schools want to apply the same principle to physicians. In order to meet their quota of minority doctors, they will have to turn out a lot of mediocre doctors. Unfortunately, patients will suffer because they will be unable to distinguish between the good doctors and the mediocre doctors.
It will be very easy to identify a superior doctor. If he is white, young, male and heterosexual he must by necessity be a superstar given all the slots reserved for the tokens. That is the brutal truth, and a truth I follow. I only see white male doctors. I have zero interest in crying about the small handful of minorities whose feelings this might hurt.
When it comes to your health care, you have the right to be what the left would call racist as much as you please! The statistical proof of low expectations are available for all to see!
Of course, if the left gets its way, you won’t in fact be able to keep your doctor and will see whoever they decide is your doctor. That’s what we have to stop at all costs.
Harrison Bergeron, MD
Yes, I’ve found this to be true. Our GP retired and sold his patient list to a hispanic doctor in the area. Rather than immediately shopping for a doctor, I gave his practice a try. Once. I don’t even know how competent he was for sure. I was fobbed off on a nurse who was indeed incompetent. Then I shopped and found a real doctor for our new GP.
Trial bar should be delighted at the opportunities created by denying care based on racist guidelines or philosophy.
Until they see the judge went to a law school that mandated the doctrine.
You think you can suddenly get lawyers to sue for what they call “reverse discrimination”? They haven’t done that for decades. It has actually gotten a little better recently, and the left surely wants to smash that back down.
If you want to watch where this all inevitably leads, here’s a short, 3 part series:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH2WeWgcSMk
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0W9QbkX8Cs&t=0s
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vyBLCqyUes
CRT, which is Marxist brainwashing rooted in race and a patently fallacious view of American history, has metastasized in some not insignifcant way into almost every profession and continuing education programs
Diversification: color (e.g. race, sex), not number (i.e. individual). That said, diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism, sexism) breeds adversity.
you have someone with an IQ of 80 affirmatively-actioned into a position in which they are in over their head making life/death medical decisions for patients… bottom line
I manage patient revenue for a hospital in Chicago. Unfortunately the cancer of DEI/CRT has already spread through the hospitals. It will only get worse. Already hearing discussion of asking men if they may be pregnant before procedures. So far no restrictions on services due to race, but I’m sure that is coming. Patients are going to be harmed because of this and I’ve already seen plastic surgeons who perform gender transition at other institutions groom patients and parents at our hospital toward transitioning their children. It is sick and sad.