BLM At School And Other Videos Scrubbed From National Association of Independent Schools After Legal Insurrection Exposé
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BLM At School And Other Videos Scrubbed From National Association of Independent Schools After Legal Insurrection Exposé

BLM At School And Other Videos Scrubbed From National Association of Independent Schools After Legal Insurrection Exposé

Access to hundreds of hours of programs removed, fitting a pattern of NAIS trying to hide from public view their efforts to racialize and radicalize private schools.

Shortly after the publication of my exposé of a BLM at School seminar hosted by the National Association of Independent School (NAIS), the organization scrubbed their storefront website, ceasing to make hundreds of sessions from previous years available as digital downloads.

The currently broken NAIS storefront.

My article for Legal Insurrection, published this Sunday, March 6th, analyzed several short clips from “Growing Young Voices: Understanding Black Lives Matter for Teachers,” a session originally presented at NAIS’ People of Color Conference (PoCC) in 2019. The presentation had been offered for sale to the public on the NAIS site, but were unavailable on the evening of Thursday, March 10th, four days after the article was released.

On Wednesday, March 9th, Emma-Jo Morris at published another article exposing more sessions from PoCC 2021. These were not available for purchase online, but I had also reviewed many of them when researching “Inside the Woke Indoctrination Machine,” an editorial on PoCC I co-wrote with Brearley dad Andrew Gutmann. Several video clips from PoCC 2021 are also available on Legal Insurrection.

A still image of “Burn Shit Down,” a slide from the 2021 PoCC seminar “Traversing the Long and Thorny Road Towards Equity”

The NAIS storefront page for “Growing Young Voices” was archived Sunday night, shortly after publication of the BLM exposé.

The conference store was up as of 10:53PM ET last Sunday.

In the now inaccessible session, two elementary school educators from the University of Chicago Lab School detailed how they inculcate their fourth- and fifth-grade students in BLM’s 13 principles, in order to steer them towards political activism.

Among Black Lives Matter’s 13 principles are ethics such as “Collective Value,”  “Queer Affirming,” “Trans Affirming,” “Globalism,” and “Restorative Justice.”

“Transgender Affirming” states that “everyone gets to choose if they are a girl or a boy or both or neither or something else”

The NAIS had partnered with PlaybackNow, a “custom onsite & virtual conference solution provider,” to host hour-long presentations from previous years, selling digital access to over 200 individual seminars for $25 each. Package deals were also available. Conference sessions had been available for PoCC 2019 and all NAIS annual conferences from the years 2017 to 2020.

Access to all these sessions are now discontinued.

UPDATE 3-11-2022:

I received a copy of an email indicating that the page was taken down at the request of NAIS.


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2smartforlibs | March 11, 2022 at 8:14 am

Ever notice how it’s “We don’t teach this and it’s a good thing we do.”

    Peabody in reply to 2smartforlibs. | March 11, 2022 at 9:39 am

    Ever notice you can’t believe a thing liberals say?

    Up to and including the president of the United States.

    For the higher you go, the greater the lies.

    Until you reach the very top where it’s all lies and no truth.

    henrybowman in reply to 2smartforlibs. | March 11, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    And the other argument: “We don’t NEED a law against this because it isn’t happening.” Most recently trotted out again against the Florida PreK-3 law.
    1) If it isn’t happening, then you should have no problem with a law against it.
    2) There is not nor can there be such a thing as an “undetectable plastic firearm.” When you wrote a law against that, we told you that over and over. Your answer was, fuck you. So now, fuck you.

A temporary scrub, really just a little whitewash…

    JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | March 11, 2022 at 2:31 pm

    Actually, the material is still available, but only to certified black racists and their supporters.

    They’ll be right back November 4th – including all the lunatics, junkies suddenly not swarming city streets and lockdowns they’re swiftly making disappear because of polling data.

thalesofmiletus | March 11, 2022 at 12:28 pm

Sunlight is an amazing disinfectant.

“Transgender Affirming” states that “everyone gets to choose if they are a girl or a boy or both or neither or something else”

Because sCiEnCe, sHuT UP!!!!!

    WTPuck in reply to henrybowman. | March 11, 2022 at 2:19 pm

    I always ask at what point the DNA transitions. Science, my a$$.

      henrybowman in reply to WTPuck. | March 12, 2022 at 1:45 am

      One of my favorite tweets:

      r/Genealogy: 23andme for trans people?

      I convinced a friend to take a 23andme dna test for fun (she was born male but now identifies as female), and her results came back with a Y-DNA haplogroup and only one X chromosome. This was really problematic for her and made her feel uncomfortable. Does anyone know if 23andme make any accommodations for trans people? Has anyone here had any experience with it?

      This is all witchcraft, plain and simple. And if it’s not working for you, it’s clearly because you’re not believing hard enough.

    More like: pEdOpHiLeS wAnNa HaVe FuN.

the “shit” that they burn down wasn’t built by them, they are incapable of building anything more complex than a turd. ‘people’ with this mentality need to be removed from this country and sent somewhere else, where they can showcase just how ‘capable’ they are at building a new society.

Imagine the damage they are doing to children by insisting that everything they know instinctively is wrong.

    Each faction of the left is drooling to grab what it wants post-societal- breakdown:

    -the pedophiles want our children
    -the street trash wants our wealth
    -the politicians and their media hacks want permanent jobs
    -and Hollywood? The pedophiles want our children.

I don’t see the need to pass laws that prevent the teaching of CRT, per se.

But I would like to see laws passed that forbid:

* Teaching children that their race makes them superior or inferior, or that they should be ashamed of their race, or feel responsible for the evil acts of others of the same race.

* Segregating, grouping, or otherwise engaging children based on their race in any classroom setting.

* Indulging in any form of racial stereotyping where individual children are judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

* Teaching children that their own personal values and beliefs, or those of their parents, are not as legitimate and valuable as anybody else.

* Forbid any compelled speech by forcing children to say or write any statements with which they (or their parents) fundamentally disagree.

Any unauthorized activities along these lines would give rise to a civil cause of actions for damages against the schools and against the teachers personally who engaged in these violations.

That about does it. There would be no more CRT.