Hamas Attacks Israeli Truck Convoy Bringing Humanitarian Supplies To Gaza

What just happened at the Kerem Shalom Crossing leading from Israel into Gaza is a pretty good metaphor for the entire psychopathic Hamas and Palestinian terror group pathology.

Kerem Shalom is the main crossing terminal through which commercial trucks and supplies reach Gaza. The crossing had been closed due to the rocket fire from Gaza, but yesterday Israel agreed to reopen the crossing to allow a convoy of 24 trucks to enter Gaza with humanitarian supplies.

So what did Hamas do? It launched a mortar attack on the crossing as the trucks were entering Gaza, wounding an Israeli soldier:

The Israel Defense Forces says the person injured in the mortar attack was an IDF soldier assisting in the transfer of humanitarian aid shipments into the Gaza Strip through the Erez Crossing.The soldier sustained light injuries and has been taken to Ashkelon’s Barzilai Medical Center for further care, medics say.Earlier today, Israel temporarily reopened both the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings into Gaza, allowing many truckloads of fuel, medical equipment and animal feed into the enclave, according to Israel’s military liaison to the Palestinians.While the crossings were opened, terrorists in the Strip launched a large mortar barrage across the border, including at Kerem Shalom and Erez.

They also attacked the other main terminal, the Erez Crossing (which I visited in 2015):

This is not the first time Palestinians have tried to destroy the terminal, it happened in 2018 also during the so-called Great March of Return border attacks. We covered the story and damage at the time, indlucing the deliberate destruction of a gas pipeline supplying Gaza.

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Palestinian Terror