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The Left Blames Trump for Georgia Spa Murders, Asian-American Attacks Without Evidence

The Left Blames Trump for Georgia Spa Murders, Asian-American Attacks Without Evidence

“We think that this is the culmination of a whole year’s worth of hate stoked by the xenophobia of Donald Trump,” Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

It is inevitable that anytime there is a mass shooting here in the U.S., Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media are on the edge of their seats, hoping to be able to blame Republicans for allegedly motivating the perpetrator to commit the heinous crime.

As per the norm, no one waits for the investigation to play out. Before we even know the victims’ names and the shooter(s), speculation runs high on the left that the killer(s) was probably white and had a library full of right-wing books and/or wore a MAGA hat.

Absent knowledge of the killer’s library collection or hat choices, the left will pounce on the perp’s race, as long as he or she is white. They use it as evidence that the murderer is a right-wing kook and a white supremacist if the crime victims are minorities.

The latter scenario is playing out with the Georgia spa murders that took place two days ago. 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, who is white, has been charged with a total of eight counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault in the shootings, which took place shortly after 5 pm at three massage parlors in and around the Atlanta area.

Six of the eight murder victims were Asian-American.

As Mary reported yesterday, Long reportedly confessed to the killings and told investigators that he blamed sex addiction for his actions. He did not blame race.

People who knew Long before Tuesday’s mass shooting confirmed in interviews that Long viewed himself as a sex addict who needed help for his addiction:

Robert Aaron Long … had been in rehab for sex addiction and was wracked with guilt about his sexual urges, according to two people who lived with him in transitional housing.


Long was deeply religious and could not control his desire to visit massage parlors and engage in sexual acts, something that sent him into deep bouts of depression, said Tyler Bayless, who lived with Long for six months in 2019 and 2020 at Maverick Recovery Center in Roswell, Georgia. Long would frequently relapse, then express guilt because of his Christian faith, Bayless said.


Bayless’ account, was mirrored by another former housemate, Bronson Lillemon, who said he lived with Long for three months in 2020.

“He felt a lot of guilt, and a lot of shame,” Lillemon said. “I don’t know the specific massage parlors that he went to, but I would assume that the ones he shot up were the ones he went to.”

Lillemon and Bayless said they’d never heard Long disparage or use racially offensive language toward or about non-white people. They also said he didn’t even own a smartphone.

Though we’re waiting to learn more about what may have motivated Long, that hasn’t stopped Democratic members of Congress and the mainstream media from assigning political motivation and predictably lining up to blame former President Trump for the Tuesday murders:

“We think that this is the culmination of a whole year’s worth of hate stoked by the xenophobia of Donald Trump,” Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes:

Squad member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) immediately blamed “white supremacy,” which to the left is code for “blame Trump”:

Naturally, media hall monitor Brian Stelter (D-CNN) invoked Trump into the debate, too:

The big problem for the “blame Trump” crowd is twofold. For starters, and as I noted above, there is no evidence, zero, nada 48 hours into the investigation that the suspect was an avid Trump fan or own a collection of books from right-wing media figures. And even if he were, that in and of itself would not necessarily establish motivation.

The other big problem with the left jumping to conclusions is that they are often wrong about the supposed political motivations of the perps in violent crimes against Asian-Americans. As Mary noted a couple of days ago, the two suspects in the vicious murder of an elderly Asian-American man as he took his morning walk in Oakland, California, are black. Before the suspects were known, the left was busy blaming – you guessed it – Trump.

In addition to that, a black man – Yahya Muslim – was charged last month in a series of violent attacks that targeted elderly Asian-Americans in Oakland’s Chinatown district.

Related to that, what is not often mentioned when the media writes about the rise in violent assaults against Asian-Americans since the pandemic started is where the vast majority of them are happening:

The NYPD reported that hate crimes motivated by anti-Asian sentiment jumped 1,900% in New York City in 2020. Stop AAPI Hate, a reporting database created at the beginning of the pandemic as a response to the increase in racial violence, received 2,808 reports of anti-Asian discrimination between March 19 and December 31, 2020. …. While anti-Asian violence has taken place nationwide and particularly in major cities, the uptick in attacks in 2021 has been particularly focused in the Bay Area, especially in San Francisco and Oakland’s Chinatowns.

The discerning reader will note that New York City, San Francisco, and Oakland are not exactly MAGA hotbeds.

So-called social justice warriors on the left desperately want the police and investigators to assign racial motivations to Long. They don’t do it in the interests of making minority communities safer but because in doing so, it would allow them to further paint an entire race with a broad brush for the actions of a few – and craft government policy based on that. Simultaneously, these radical left-wing groups and their Democratic allies frequently ignore the numerous cases where the perps aren’t white because that doesn’t fit in with their narratives.

Each case is different, of course, but making sweeping generalizations before all facts are known – as the left and media are doing this week in response to the Georgia murders – does more harm than good and further fans the flames of racial tensions and resentments.

Which, come to think of it, is precisely why they do it in the first place.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Of course they do, everything in the world is Trumps fault


It’s the freaking China virus

Deal with it

Truth and lies blending seamlessly when one has no moral compass or ethics. This also is to cover who commits the majority of attacks on anyone from the Far East. Some minorities are more protected than others.

Missing from this is the serious exclusion of Americans of Asian background from major universities… because… well … smart and hard working. Equity … you know.

2smartforlibs | March 18, 2021 at 4:00 pm

It was a sex crime that more fitting a liberal crime.

Asian is the new Black

Lies are one of the libtard’s best tools. Add the MSM (they who would make Pravda blush) and their agenda is on *go.*

Todays gargoyle politicians with very few exceptions, are helping massively to drive this agenda. All of these evil fools are the Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Castro of our time and they have all learned well from those predators of yesteryear.

bobinreverse | March 18, 2021 at 4:28 pm

Amazingly have never seen Asian business with the plexiglass barriers And pay first In a djt neighborhood and have never been in one in a Libby area that didn’t have the glass peep hole and pay first.

“Chinese virus”, “Wuhan disease”, and even “Kung Flu” are not ethnic identifiers, they’re geographic identifiers. They’re also resistance against the ideological decision (6 years ago, but most people only heard about it a year ago) that new diseases should not be identified geographically any more. Many people refuse to have our language dictated to us, especially in the name of an ideology we don’t share.

Hated Asians so much that he frequented an Asian massage parlor.

Cynical Democrats and progressives love to exploit tragedy.

Colonel Travis | March 18, 2021 at 4:59 pm

Political Crisis, I’d like you to meet Desperate Opportunity….

Morning Sunshine | March 18, 2021 at 5:54 pm

Actually, I blame p*rnography. Wanna bet this young man started on soft p* before he was 10? Progressed to hard and harder as he moved through his teens? Wanna bet he never had a normal relationship with a female because his growing brain was rewired to only see women as toys for his enjoyment?

I am a full square free-speech person, but I think something needs to be done about the cheap and easy access our young men have to un realistic and unhealthy p*. I know 3 young men who have been in court for abuse of younger siblings, and they all started with p*

And our girls too – what message are they learning when they see what the boys want – that they need to be high school p* stars.

    Morning Sunshine in reply to Morning Sunshine. | March 18, 2021 at 5:54 pm

    sorry – somehow that attached to you instead of its own comment

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Morning Sunshine. | March 18, 2021 at 9:58 pm

    People are innately sexual, at least most of us. There is good reason for a biological imperative want sex.

    This man’s problems are probably in part mental illness, but also probably due to an upbringing which stressed a warped religious indoctrination.

    I have an ax to grind with the CCP, but view Asians favorably, I am disappointed that we have some with such fuzzy reasoning.

Whenever there is a shooting, the Left will immediately call for gun control measures that would never have stopped the attack.
Whenever a minority is injured, it is the fault of White Nationalism.
Whenever the attacker is a member of any religious group, it will become an attack from all organized religions.

Whenever the attacker is a minority, the press immediately goes and chases another squirrel. Sorry, Chicago.
If the attacker is stopped by an armed citizen, it will likewise vanish from the media.

This horrible attack sounds like the mass shooting by a self-proclaimed “incel” in Isla Vista, CA a couple of years ago. Race and politics had nothing to do with that one either.

George_Kaplan | March 18, 2021 at 7:10 pm

What does it say about Democrats that they conflate massage parlor staff with Asian American women???

That the assailant was a self-described sexual deviant, in fact, points at him being a democrat.

Leftists and their Propaganda Ministry have been making accusations without evidence for over 4 years, they will never stop doing it.

More self-incriminating publications from the DNC? #HateLovesAbortion

Americans… conservative Americans: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, and libertarians, do not, on principle, exercise liberal license to indulge diversity dogma (i.e. color judgments), not limited to racism.

“”there is no evidence, zero, nada 48 hours into the investigation that the suspect was an avid Trump fan””

“Evidence? We ain’t got no evidence. We don’t need no evidence.
I don’t have to show you any stinking evidence!”

The majority of recent attacks on Asians have been by blacks. But the news media refused to identify the attackers race. Black criminals are protected by the progressive fascists.

Now that a white guy has killed a bunch of Asian women the national news media has decided to start a campaign against “racism”.