Minneapolis City Council Cutting Police Budget by Millions Amid Rising Crime

The Minneapolis City Council is moving to cut the city’s police budget by $8 million. At what point do the people who live in the city and pay taxes realize that their leaders are actively working against them?

What other conclusion could one reach?

Even these councilors know the importance of police. Why else would they have hired private security for themselves? Is their safety more important than other people who live there?

Mike Miller writes at RedState:

Minneapolis City Council Geniuses Battle Soaring Violent Crime by Voting Unanimously to Slash $8M From Police BudgetThe Minneapolis City Council continues to beclown itself as violent crime continues to rage in the city nearly six months after George Floyd died while in the custody of city police.Apparently “forgetting” that just last month it approved a plan to bring in outside police officers to help quell the soaring violence — made necessary in part by city cops taking early retirement or suffering from PTSD as a result of months of rioting — the City Council on Thursday voted unanimously to slash 8 million dollars from the police department’s budget, as reported by the New York Post. Can you spell “g-e-n-i-u-s-e-s n-o-t”?As the Post reported, the department’s $179 million budget was cut by $8 million, which the City Council will moronically funnel into other city services, including mental health teams to respond to some 911 calls instead of police officers and the always-very-effective [sarc] “violence prevention programs,” as part of its equally-moronic effort to “transform” public safety in a city that saw anarchists destroy lives and businesses in the aftermath of Floyd’s death.

Why would anyone own a business in downtown Minneapolis for as long as this is happening? Rioters burned down parts of the city over the summer and this is the response from city leadership?

Just a little over a week ago, the Star Tribune reported that violent carjackings in Minneapolis are up by a jaw-dropping 537 percent compared to last year:

‘Staggering’ surge in violent carjackings continues across MinneapolisA housekeeper arriving early to her shift in south Minneapolis was confronted by two hooded teenagers outside her driver’s side window.One pointed a gun at her head, demanding that she get out, before firing three shots: two ricocheted off the window and a third struck her side-view mirror.The woman threw her car into reverse, sending the teens fleeing in the stolen car they arrived in, the latest in a series of brazen attempted armed robberies and carjackings in a wave that is stretching across the city. Minneapolis residents are grappling with a triple-digit percentage increase in these crimes, and incidents occurring at all hours, including broad daylight…Over the past two months, Minneapolis police have logged more than 125 carjackings in the city, a troubling surge that authorities had largely linked to small groups of marauding teens. But an increasing number of adults have been arrested in recent weeks for the same crime.Within a one-hour period Saturday morning, police reported three separate carjackings in southeast Minneapolis, including one where an elderly woman was struck on the head. Such attacks are up 537% this month when compared with last November.

Of course Ilhan Omar, who also has private security, is all for this:

The next time someone in Minneapolis complains as they’re being carjacked or their business is being looted and burned down, just tell them not to fall for “fear-driven narratives.”

Why taxpayers in Minneapolis put up with this is beyond comprehension.

Tags: Crime, George Floyd, Minnesota, Progressives, riots