We heard from the senators on Monday, which included the Democrats spewing their talking points: Barrett will end Obamacare, take away our healthcare, undo everything RBG did, etc.
The day ended with Barrett’s opening statement. But today, at 9 a.m. ET, Barrett will take questions from the senators.
Sen. Blumenthal using a rape survivor to force Barrett to answer how she would rule on a hypothetical case. Disgusting.
I love this.
No, Judge Barrett. Calling a ruling by the Chief Justice as “unsound” means you chastised him! I love watching these men telling Judge Barrett what she actually meant when she said something.
All I have to say is his name, right?
I don’t know, Durbin. Maybe read her opinion?
Barrett reminds Durbin that Congress makes policy, not SCOTUS.
I don’t get why they ask these questions. Each case is different so how can Barrett know how she will rule?
The 12 Republicans and 10 Democrats will ask Barrett questions. Each will have 30 minutes.
No doubt Obamacare and abortion will take center stage. As I noted, all the Democrats somehow already know that Barrett will strip healthcare for Americans (because somehow she has the power all by herself?). Say she does vote to end Obamacare. It might not matter:
As Law&Crime’s Elura Nanos pointed out, however, this could be a flawed argument given that six of the other justices have records that favor the principle of severability. This means that they could potentially rule that while the mandate is unconstitutional, other parts of the Affordable Care Act could survive.A look to three years ago could also provide a glimpse at how Democrats may question Barrett. During her 2017 Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals confirmation hearing, she faced questions from Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Dick Durbin, D-ill., about her religious background and beliefs.