Legal Insurrection ‘We’re Not Canceled… Yet’ Fundraiser

This tumultuous year has proven the wisdom of Legal Insurrection Foundation‘s focus on campus free speech supression and the migration of those problems from campus to culture, and the ‘intersectional left’ building of anti-American, anti-Capitalist, and anti-Israel coalitions. You can support our efforts by Donating Here.

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The cancel culture phenomenon which surged with the rise of Black Lives Matter is an aggressive symptom of an underlying ideological uniformity that has taken hold over a generation in higher education, and moved on from there to primary and secondary schools, corporate human resources departments, and government employee training. Higher ed is the heart of the problem, the training ground, and it’s getting worse, not better.

We have been conducting research for weeks, and will be rolling out in a month or so interactive resources parents, students, and alumni can use to identify higher ed institutions that mandate deeply discriminatory “antiracist” indoctrination and compulsory activism. We also will ramp up our efforts continue to shine a light on and investigate cancel culture attacks in higher ed. Our joint investigation with Judicial Watch of the attacks on UCF Professor Charles Negy is just the start. We also will continue our educational and community building programs through virtual conferences, such as our well-attended Cancel Culture Event. Our investigations of the red-green alliance continue, as reflected in our exposure of lobbying efforts in Congress.

Events beyond our control have cast us into the center of these fights, and we are not backing down. I didn’t set out to find cancel culture, it found me, and that experience has shaped so much of what we will do in the future.

The future also will be shaped by the election outcome. If Trump wins, there will be a historical opportunity to push reforms of higher education, and we will be part of that effort. If Trump loses, the repression will be given a green light to intensify, and we will be part of the opposition organizing to defend our freedoms.

Whatever happens, know that you are not alone:

You stand, seemingly alone, in the breach. But you are not alone.I am with you – Fangs Out and Full Speed.

By donating to the Legal Insurrection Foundation, you can be part of this fight.

As a 501(c)(3), donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. You can donate by credit card or PayPal at the link below, or by check payable to Legal Insurrection Foundation, 18 Maple Ave #280, Barrington, RI 02806. Our IRS approval letter and Tax I.D. are linked at the donation page.

As always, we thank you for your support.

Donate Now!

Tags: Legal Insurrection Foundation, Legal Insurrection Fundraiser