Lancaster Judge Sets $1 Million Bail for Some Rioters Accused of Arson and Vandalism
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Lancaster Judge Sets $1 Million Bail for Some Rioters Accused of Arson and Vandalism

Lancaster Judge Sets $1 Million Bail for Some Rioters Accused of Arson and Vandalism

The Lancaster police arrested the rioters at 3 a.m. after a mob marched to the “police station, chucking glass bottles, rocks, bricks, gallon jugs filled with liquid and plastic road barricades at cops.”

People rioted after a cop shot Ricardo Munoz, even though the body camera proved he charged at the cop with a knife.

Magisterial District Judge Bruce Roth set bail at $1 million for six of eight people arrested Monday morning.

The Lancaster police arrested the rioters at 3 a.m. after a mob marched to the “police station, chucking glass bottles, rocks, bricks, gallon jugs filled with liquid and plastic road barricades at cops.”

From The New York Post:

Twelve adults — Jamal Shariff Newman, 24, Barry Jones, 30, Frank Gaston, 43, Yoshua Dwayne Montague, 23, Matthew Modderman, 31, Talia Gessner, 18, Kathryn Patterson, 20, Taylor Enterline, 20, T-Jay Fry, 28, Dylan Davis, 28, Alexa Wise, 29, and Jessica Marie Lopez, 32 — face a slew of felony and misdemeanor charges, including arson, riot, institutional vandalism and criminal conspiracy.

A 16-year-old boy was also busted on riot, disorderly conduct, possession of instruments of crime, possession of a small amount of marijuana, propulsion of missiles onto a roadway and institutional vandalism charges.

Montague, of York, Pa., faces an additional charge of illegal possession of a firearm.

One person did not meet eligibility for bail. Another rioter’s docket has “not yet been updated.”

Police arrested five other people, but “are still waiting for a judge to set bail.”

Roth only said “that he considered Lancaster city police’s input when setting bail.” Lt. Bill Hickey stated that the “police did not request the bail amount.” The District Attorney’s office also did not offer any input:

The protesters are charged with several felony offenses, which are considered in the judge’s equation when deciding bail, as well as the input of police.

“The crimes that these defendants are facing include serious felony offenses,” Hickey said in an email. “This is not a new or unheard of practice and falls within the rules of criminal procedure.”

Lancaster Stands Up alerted Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman and other state officials about the bail amount. The group shared the story and a picture of Enterline, “who has been leading protests and advocacy in Manheim for the last several months.”

Fetterman told Lancaster Online that the bail amount is unconstitutional and violates the Eighth Amendment. He wants Roth to reconsider his decision. Fetterman also wants it changed because he believes it will “further inflame and escalate what needs to be a peaceful protest and a resolution of the tragedy.”


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The father of one of the Sorority Sisters being held thinks the bail is vindictive. He plans to work with an activist group to get her bail reduced.

    gonzotx in reply to dystopia. | September 16, 2020 at 4:22 pm

    He should be hanging his head in shame

    Apples don’t fall far from the idiot tree

    Sorry to all apples and trees everywhere

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to dystopia. | September 16, 2020 at 6:05 pm

    Is daddy connected enough for this to be “all a misunderstanding”?

    artichoke in reply to dystopia. | September 17, 2020 at 12:25 pm

    Wasn’t the rioting vindictive? How do we stop such aggression without some real pushback? This gets them off the streets.

    This comment was gold: someone says these thugs shouldn’t sit in jail because it will “further inflame and escalate what needs to be a peaceful protest and a resolution of the tragedy.”

    It is already not a peaceful protest. This is like someone punching you and saying “if you punch me back, this will get violent!” Those are the words of a bully. And they way you stop a bully is to punch back harder and more effectively.

Let me know if Soros pays the bail. He’s paying for the rioter and the riots that will happen when Trump wins. Look up the transition integrity project.

The idea this bail amount, whether constitutional or not, will inflame things and cause MORE rioting is idiotic. The worst offenders are currently behind bars unable to commit anymore violent acts, and the rest of the idiots will now have second thoughts considering their idiot friends are basically stuck in jail. And low and behold the Lancaster riots are currently done.

    “The idea this bail amount…will inflame things and cause MORE rioting is idiotic…”

    That has been the GOP mantra, prior to PDJT.

    Sonnys Mom in reply to NotCoach. | September 16, 2020 at 5:04 pm

    The PA governor is scared that racial justice thugs might show up at his house.

    forgetabotit in reply to NotCoach. | September 17, 2020 at 8:39 am


    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to NotCoach. | September 17, 2020 at 10:57 am

    . . . and the rest of the idiots will now have second thoughts considering their idiot friends are basically stuck in jail.

    No, they won’t. They will think of these eight as “martyrs to the cause” and “victims of an unjust and corrupt criminal justice system” that will justify even more rioting, looting, arson and outright murder (AKA peaceful protesting). They won’t have “second thoughts” about it because they never had “first thoughts” about it. They simply do as they’re told. Nothing more nothing less. Critical thinking not necessary.

The squealing about the bail amounts makes clear that the appropriately-high bail mandated here is having the desired effect.

$1 million for felony arson is not excessive, particularly if the defendant is from out of state or otherwise transient and high risk for jumping bond.

“Fetterman also wants it changed because he believes it will “further inflame and escalate what needs to be a peaceful protest and a resolution of the tragedy.”

You can’t make this stuff up…

    AlecRawls in reply to Groundhog Day. | September 16, 2020 at 4:27 pm

    Democrat “tragedy” = normal person’s “feel good story of the day.”

    Hooray when an attempted murderer is the one who ends up dead and the person he was trying to murder comes out unharmed.

    Besides being the political wing of the domestic terrorist groups Antifa and #BLM, the Democrats are the domestic political wing of Hamas, the Islamic State, and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp.

    Which is why they were so upset when Trump offed their heart throbs Qasem Suleimani and that endearing “austere religious scholar” Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

    BTW, that looks like an awfully expensive watch for an austere religious scholar.

    I bet when he ditched the 7th century disguise and traded it for one of his Savile Row suits, then pulled up to the sex slave market in his chauffeured Bentley, that “austere religious scholar” was a real party animal.

Seems to me that letting the arrested rioters off low or no bail is no deterrent to thier bad behavior at all. Once you figure out that there are no adverse consequences for rioting and looting, then thee is little disincentive to riot and loot.

Ah, but put a big bail on these creeps to keep them in the slammer and things change dramatically.

Kudos to Judge Roth for dropping the hammer on these criminals. I hope they have a nice life.

    Sonnys Mom in reply to tiger66. | September 16, 2020 at 5:13 pm

    And for setting bail beyond the reach of those SJW bail funds. That’s really what all the squawking is about.

    OldProf2 in reply to tiger66. | September 16, 2020 at 6:05 pm

    You just nailed down why the riots in Portland don’t ever end. Every night the police make some arrests, and the rioters are out of jail by dawn with the charges dropped. So they feel invincible, and keep right on rioting every night.

    Lancaster city is blue but Lancaster County is red so it is difficult to identify the judge setting $1 million bail as either (probably a good thing).
    This judge actually ran unopposed in both the Democratic and Republican primaries and then ran unopposed for judge.

    Milhouse in reply to tiger66. | September 16, 2020 at 11:52 pm

    Bail is not supposed to be a deterrent to bad behavior. Its only legitimate purpose is to ensure the defendant returns for trial, and it is illegal to set it any higher than is necessary for that purpose. This judge has violated his oath and the constitution, and is just as bad as the rioters.

      forgetabotit in reply to Milhouse. | September 17, 2020 at 8:42 am

      Boo Fing Hoo

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Milhouse. | September 17, 2020 at 10:32 am

      Then fine. The judge should simply revoke all bails assigned and hold these eight in detention until their scheduled court dates. The Constitution might prohibit “excessive bail” but it doesn’t actually state that bail must be given for any crime committed.

      And while they are cooling their butts on the benches in their cells they can take the time to rethink their outlook on life. Perhaps it would change for the better.

43 years old?

What a freaking loser

enjoy your cold cut sandwiches in the lock up instead of your daily starbucks fix

About time a judge is nailing balks to the wall, the West coast seems to be letting “protesters ” out as fast as they come in.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Skip. | September 16, 2020 at 6:02 pm

    Even more entertaining will be hearing about these losers having to learn how to get along with Buba, and finding out what a real badass is like.

bit of a different game for these little sorority/trustfund/snowflake twits when mummy & daddy have to put the house up(or something else as significant) to bail the little entitled ones out of jail–let alone the legal fees

good on the judge–he’s definitely the adult in the room

    I think if parents are smart, they won’t put up their property for bail. They need to google “what is bail forfeiture” and consider the possibility of their million dollar condo getting sold to cover their snowflake’s decision to flee the country.

“Chip Patterson said. “I think it appears these protesters are being made an example of and that is not justice.””

Gee Chip, kind of like all of the police and white people who don’t bend the knee to the BLM?

Normally I’m low profile because I’m in the North East but at this point I’ve said F it and wear a Trump mask everywhere I’m forced to wear one. Tired of listening to shit talkers and watching teens act like idiots because the politicians have emboldened them with catch and release or even no catch. I hope it gets ugly, so tired of these Maoist Dems getting away with everything.

    Barry Soetoro in reply to scaulen. | September 16, 2020 at 9:11 pm

    “Chip Patterson said. “I think it appears these protesters are being made an example of and that is not justice.””

    Deterring others is one of the three goals of utilitarian justice, along with providing security to society and offering a chance for rehabilitation. Making an example of these rioters checks off all three prongs.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to scaulen. | September 17, 2020 at 10:39 am

    “Chip Patterson said. “I think it appears these protesters are being made an example of and that is not justice.””

    You mean the same kind of “justice” that protesters used when two law enforcement officers in Compton , CA were ambushed and shot and then blocked the emergency room entrance while chanting, “We hope they die!”? That kind of “justice”?

    Well, fuck you and the white horse you rode in on. These criminal, terrorist cretins are getting exactly what they deserve. Nothing more, nothing less.

Either there’s a lot missing from this story, or throwing stuff—and not particularly dangerous stuff, like atlatls or molotov cocktails or throwing knives or Mills bombs—is a felony. Sometimes.

If there isn’t more to it, then it’s not obvious that throwing stuff merits $1M bail.

If there is more to it, then great, the more bail, the merrier.

Glad to see PA demanding some accountability here. Serves as a warning to others, the consequences of being on the “not mostly peaceful” side – or a “mostly peaceful protest”.

A few of the arrestees are claiming they were “acting as medics”. Taking a page from the Portland ANTIFA tactics of having people with “Medic”, “Legal Observer” or “Press” vests – to provide cover for rioters.

That being said – $1Mil is kind of excessive. Even perhaps punitive as described (depending on what the actual charges were). But it also prevents the Soros-ites from raising a much lower bail amount on GoFundMe (leftist $$ laundering site – where Jacob Blake raised $2.4 million last time I looked – but Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense fund was SHUT DOWN).

This is especially DELICIOUS, because a few of these aren’t the strung out looking dirtbags from the west coast – but the lily-white-privileged-high-society types. Who DESERVE TO SEE what being in a jail cell with little hope for getting out actually looks like…

    JusticeDelivered in reply to RSConsulting. | September 16, 2020 at 6:08 pm

    “That being said – $1Mil is kind of excessive”

    Considering what has been happening, I do not agree that this is excessive bail. While they are sitting in jail they should be thankful that they were not killed.

    stevewhitemd in reply to RSConsulting. | September 16, 2020 at 7:19 pm

    A $1 million bond is not excessive at all for felony arson and conspiracy, particularly if there is some significant flight risk.

    Remember, most states allow one to post 10% of the bond amount as surety. So they’re really looking at $100K. For the kids with wealthy parents, that’s not an especially high barrier. But it IS high enough to make the Left organizations who’ve been bailing kids out to think twice.

    $100 bail — you walk.
    $100K bail — eh, not so fast there, young one.

    I think the judge has years of experience in this sort of calculation.

      Well, from my experience with bail bondsmen, that’s not exactly the way it works.
      You pay the bail bondman 10% (or 15%) of the bail amount and he then posts the bond with the court.

      The catch is — you don’t get any of that money back, even assuming you show up for trial. If you don’t show up you are still liable for the full amount — to the bail bondsman, who will then have a big incentive to track you down and take you to jail.

      If you post the bond yourself, then you get it all back when you show up for trial.

      At least, that is my understanding of the process. Certainly other states may be different.

Charge them with conspiracy. Calculate the cost for repairing all the damage they did including police/first responder pay/overtime. Divide the amount equally among them. Force them to pay it back, directly to their victims, even if it means garnishing wages for years. If they receive government assistance, pull a portion of it as victim restitution.

I’ll bet if the crowd came for him and his family at 3am, wielding torches and pitchforks (which they will in a democrat dystopian nightmare), this fetterman character would be singing a completely different tune about bail.

Arsonists under the common law had no bail. Because arson is a disease, and arsonists always repeat their crime. And as a crime where a life sentence is certainly possible, the bail here is reasonable.

PDX and Seattle would have been done in 10 days if they had done this.

Cost to bail out Soros payrolled thugs would make their ongoing strategy less than cost effective. Also letting them cool their heels and reflect on their life decisions is another benefit.

Shooting a felon who is assaulting a police officer with a butcher knife is not a tragedy, but a cause for celebrating the herd being righteously culled.

Lt. Gov (D)….Fetterman told Lancaster Online that the bail amount is unconstitutional and violates the Eighth Amendment. He wants Roth to reconsider his decision. Fetterman also wants it changed because he believes it will “further inflame and escalate what needs to be a peaceful protest and a resolution of the tragedy.”

Perhaps the Lt. Governor is correct that bail is excessive. The Lt. Gov is definitely correct that it “needs to be a peaceful protest.” The Lt. Gov. has not addressed the issue that the high bail is a direct consequence of the protest NOT being peaceful.

The Lt. Governor might also consider the point that high bail, instead of “inflaming and escalating,” will probably lead to more lawful behavior on the part of the protesters, out of fear of being jailed and needing a lot of money to post bail.

It is often said that politics isn’t bean-bag. Those who believe that anything goes when it comes to protesting need to realize that rioting and vandalism aren’t bean-bag, either.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to PostLiberal. | September 17, 2020 at 10:15 am

    Fine, it’s excessive bail. Then the judge simply needs to revoke all the bails set and hold all of these cretins in jail until their scheduled criminal trials. They can all just cool their heels in detention until then. No bail = No violation of the 8th Amendment. End of problem.

THAT is how you put a stop to this bullshit.

“Excessive bail shall not be required”. Full stop. The judge has violated his oath.

Even Robert Durst, with his endless resources, got his bail reduced to under half a million.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Milhouse. | September 17, 2020 at 10:10 am

    Fine, it’s excessive bail. Then revoke all the fucking bails assigned and hold them in detention until their criminal trials. Nothing in the Constitution requires bail to be given for any particular crime. Just that it can’t be excessive. No bail = no violation of the 8th amendment. And it keeps these little cretins off the streets so they can’t cause more trouble. End of Problem.

    Revoke all bail and keep these terrorist cretins in jail until their criminal trials.

    Brave Sir Robbin in reply to Milhouse. | September 17, 2020 at 3:10 pm

    Please define “excessive,” and provide a dollar amount in this instance that is not “excessive.” If this amount is matter of your opinion, than I shall assert the judge, too, has an opinion in this matter, and unlike your opinion, his has consequence. If Plaintiff think bail is excessive, they may appeal that opinion of the Judge. Because of the immediate damage to the Plaintiff, such issues are normally handled swiftly.

    But let’s take another point I hope to ponder. When one political side persecutes it’s perceived enemies with all manner of injustice under the color of law, or clear is perceived allies and friends all manner of malicious felony and so returns them to the street to continue to prey upon the law abiding, what should the side that is persecuted and preyed upon do? Should they follow the old rules, which are blithely violated by the other side, or play ball under the new rules, set by the other side? This is what the Democratic party, Soros and their ilk are forcing upon us. When do the law abiding fight back and how? If not also under the color of law, then the only remaining choice is to act fully outside the law.

    Do you want to play a game of football when the other side gets to make its rules as the game goes along, and you still have to play by the old rules? At what point do you also get to either play by their rules, and/or, make up some on your own?

buckeyeminuteman | September 17, 2020 at 12:54 am

I’ll let you take one guess which rioter doesn’t know his bail is $1M when the mugshot was taken!!!

Lucifer Morningstar | September 17, 2020 at 10:21 am

So could someone tell me what has happened to that organization that collected tens of million of dollars (or more) in “donations” so that they can bail out these criminal cretins when they are arrested and charged with crimes. Can’t remember the name of it but sounds as if they need to be contacted to pony up the $8 million to bail these little cretins out.

My state passed a constitutional amendment several years ago that strictly limits bail and pre-trial detention. So, unless you’re caught standing over the body with a knife, you’re going to walk out of jail within days. It had a lot of support until people saw the actual results.