Illiberal Arts Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.

This week we learned that creative disciplines like literature and music are not immune to cancel culture.
- Tulane Cancels Talk By Author After Students Misunderstand And Protest Book
- Cancel Culture Mob Comes for Music Theory Prof at U. North Texas
- Loyola University-Maryland Canceling Writer Flannery O’Connor for Supposed Racism
It’s just about Confederate statues, they said.
- Petition at Chapman U. Calls for Removal of Busts of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher
- 73% of Dem College Students Support Removal of Statues of Founding Fathers Who Owned Slaves
Then they came for Millard Fillmore.
It’s about time.
The new narrative on campus.
- 150 Law School Deans Ask American Bar Assoc. to Require Training for Bias and Anti-Racism
- Students and Faculty at California State U. Los Angeles Issue Demands to Tackle ‘Anti-Blackness’
- U. Vermont Students and Faculty Demand Abolition of Campus Police, Flying of BLM Flag
Social media causes problems.
- College Student Expelled for Racist Social Media Content, Then Reinstated Because She Didn’t Post it
- Auburn University Lecturer in Hot Water Over Anti-Police Tweets
Gibson’s vs. Oberlin update.
More of this is coming.
- Republicans in Congress Demand Universities Produce Records of All Foreign Donations
- U. Pennsylvania Can’t Explain Mysterious Donation From Chinese Company
Are Democrats still the party of science?
These things happen.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Push back is gaining steam:
South Dakota:
And let’s not forget here in LA on the July 4 where thousands of people lit up the sky with illegal fireworks.
How about we start a daily feature here amassing links to this push back. We all feel it and it isn’t just the “red” states. It’s an AMERICAN push back to the globalist communist invasion. If we build it, they will come.
Here’s another idea. The CDC declared the “pandemic” over 4-5 weeks ago, then came out last week to urge schools to re-open and with Dems finally backing down on permanent school closures, why don’t we declare a day of celebration and invite people to send in links to document this day!
The Dems (and insufferable GOP dickless wonders… same thing) are already on the defensive and feeling the growing anger beginning to surface. Let’s see if we can make that bubble burst. Schedule a day of celebration, say on August 31, and promote the hell out of it. I’ll bet the world will spread like an arson wildfire in Malibu.