Sanders Endorses Biden: ‘We Have to Make Trump a One-Term President’
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Sanders Endorses Biden: ‘We Have to Make Trump a One-Term President’

Sanders Endorses Biden: ‘We Have to Make Trump a One-Term President’

“Today I am asking all Americans — I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans – to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy which I endorse.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) officially endorsed presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Sanders ended his campaign only five days ago.

The endorsement came during a live virtual event held by Biden about “the need for a full COVID-19 Economic Response.”

Biden told Sanders that his “endorsement means a great deal.”

He also said that he would need Sanders around “not just to win the campaign, but to govern.”

Sanders endorsed Biden a lot sooner than he endorsed failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.

The New York Post reported a few hours before the declaration that Biden began working with the Sanders campaign to avoid a fallout similar to 2016.

Biden’s actions might not work. We have detailed a few times that Sanders’ supporters will not settle for Biden.

Only 2 out of 5 Sanders supporters in Michigan confirmed they will support the Democratic nominee even if it is not Sanders.

To make it worse “four out of five voters said they would be dissatisfied with Biden as the standard-bearer for the Democratic platform.”

Sanders has sent some mixed messages. When he dropped out Sanders said he will stay on the ballot and continue to collect delegates as a way to keep the pressure on the Democratic Party to accept his radical ideas.

Biden did all he could to suck up to Sanders during the conversation. He lavished praise on the self-described socialist senator:


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2smartforlibs | April 13, 2020 at 2:32 pm

About that ain’t gotta happen

    Mr. Sanders, I understand you need President Trump to be “one-term.”

    However, I do not like you, nor anything you stand for.

    So, no.

Loser endorses loser.

Today I am asking all Americans — I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans – to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy which I endorse.

Strange wording; indirect. Not “I am endorsing Joe Biden for president” but “your candidacy which I endorse” … like he’s recognizing the position more so than the person. Them’s weasel words.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | April 13, 2020 at 2:40 pm

DEM EXIT of all the Bernie Bros.

Has anyone here ever voted for someone based upon a third party endorsement?

Dantzig93101 | April 13, 2020 at 2:42 pm

Whatever their disagreements, Sanders and Biden(‘s handlers) agree on their common enemy: America.

Bahahahahhaha!!!! Is Sanders taping that from his new beach house???

The scariest part of this post is NOT Bernie endorsing Biden. It’s what Biden said to Bernie: “I’m going to need you—not just to win the campaign but to govern”. BUT TO GOVERN??????

Joe is planning on using Bernie’s crap socialist ideals to govern? That should make every independent and most sane democrats RUN to vote for Trump.

The Friendly Grizzly | April 13, 2020 at 2:49 pm

He talks funny.

The way Trump tore up Rubio, Jeb Bush, etc.
I’m curious just how Joe gets by a debate with Trump.

I can only imagine a “mercy rule” in the debates.

    Paul in reply to Neo. | April 13, 2020 at 4:19 pm

    Remember how he shucked and jived in the VP debate against Ryan? That was shameful, but I don’t think he has the mental acuity to pull off such a stunt now. If he does debate Trump, look for Candy Crowley to come out of retirement and carry Gropey Joe through it.

      Lanceman in reply to Paul. | April 13, 2020 at 8:04 pm

      Trump wouldn’t roll over like Mittens. He’d kick the shit outta Crowley and then proceed to dismember BiteMe.

In other words, Bernie falls in line as the Democrats go all in on cheating their way to the outcome they want in November. “By any means necessary”, because it’s about power and nothing else.

I’m guessing Bernie held on to his delegates as a bargaining chip. The Biden camp was able to offer Bernie enough to buy him off, hence the endorsement and Biden’s line about needing Bernie to govern.

Probably not VP, we were promised someone who identifies as a female minority.

Secretary of State? Ambassador to Russia? Maybe just promised support for his legislative [lack of] initiatives?

No question there was some wheeling and dealing going on though.

As if Biden’s campaign needed another nail in its coffin. Announcing his VP choice will be the sound of dirt hitting the lid.

The angry little Marxist prick who has never worked an honest day in his entire life endorses the angry, senile, old chester. You gotta love that Dim party, huh?

They are trying to keep the Bernie Bros on the reservation. With all the talk of that group not accepting Biden and possibly even – gasp – voting for President Trump, Bernie gets his payoff, endorses Biden – who might have already forgotten about it – Biden makes the claim of needing Bernie to help govern. Bernie won’t get any real role. It’s all for show, as it usually is with the National Socialists, designed to keep the Bernie Bro morons in line.
If the left lose a decent percentage of the Bernie Bros and minorities, like the blacks who have increased their support for Trump, even with massive fraud it will be tough for Dementia Joe to win.
It’s also why Soros is pushing for mail in voting. Never mind that over 16 million mail in votes were “lost”.

Being a principled communist, I’m sure Bernie didn’t ask for a thing from Biden or the DNC.

Briahna Joy Gray @briebriejoy

Issues Bernie (generously) never raised about Biden:

✅Credible sexual assault allegations
✅A pattern of unwanted touching
✅Lying abt civil rights record

$ell out $sander$

But Bernie’s still keeping his delegates, yes?

Almost like he’s just making nice to the DNC in anticipation of a Biden withdrawal…

Uhhh, let me thi — no.

healthguyfsu | April 13, 2020 at 5:42 pm

Today, I am asking all comrades….err um slip of the tongue, all Americans…yes, that’s it.

“”Sanders endorsed Biden a lot sooner than he endorsed failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.””

The bribe came through faster.

Sanders is a corrupt dirtbag.

Turn you volume down around mid way. This is one bernie sis who is going to really have a long, long, long cry. Surprised she hasn’t been made into a meme yet.

    JimWoo in reply to 4fun. | April 13, 2020 at 10:04 pm

    When I first started listening to Rush he used to mention the “dumbing down of America”. I didn’t always believe him but lately…..I like the ring in her nose. Trying to be nice.

Fuzzlenutter | April 14, 2020 at 5:41 am

Look for Bernie to acquire that fourth house (or twin engine turbo private plane) in the near future.

And to all you “Bernie Bros” out there (especially the ones who donated to that new house or plane):


They look like Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show.

They’re trying to make Trump a one term president? That’s racist. We learned that when Obama was president.