James Carville Claims Republicans ‘Will Kill People to Stay in Power, Literally’

Democratic strategist and former Bill Clinton adviser James Carville appeared on MSNBC this week and stated plainly that Republicans “will kill people to stay in power.”

Carville was referring to the decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to not postpone the state’s primary, which happened on Tuesday.

Sam Dorman reports at FOX News:

James Carville says Republicans ‘will kill people to stay in power, literally’Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville claimed Wednesday that Republicans were so intent on maintaining power that they would literally “kill people” in order to do so.”My kind of mission in the short-term is to sound the alarm to say [that] Mitch McConnell and the Supreme Court — they’re going to do everything they can to hold onto power,” Carville said duing an appearance on MSNBC.”This thing in Wisconsin was one of the most awful things I’ve ever seen in my life,” Carville added, referring to the controversy over whether to postpone the Badger State’s primary elections due to the coronavirus pandemic. “The extent that they will go to to hold onto power — it was all about one Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin — they will kill people to stay in power, literally.”Neither MSNBC anchor Brian Williams nor former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, pushed back on Carville’s claim.Earlier in the segment, Carville predicted that Trump would emphatically lose his bid for reelection in November.”I am totally, totally unimpressed by President Trump’s political powers,” he said.

Watch the segment below:

Carville is very confident in Biden’s chances. Like the Atlantic, which recently wrote that all Biden needs to do is stay alive, Carville thinks Biden can just “stand there” and win.

Caitlin Yilek writes at the Washington Examiner:

“The Democrats have already picked their nominee … Joe Biden,” Carville told radio show host John Catsimatidis the same morning. “There’s not going to be a convention of any kind.”Biden’s opponent Bernie Sanders has not yet dropped out of the race, and the former vice president said he recently spoke with the Vermont senator to inform him that he was moving ahead in the process to select a running mate.Carville said there’s a rare chance Biden will not be the nominee.“A lot’s going to have to happen to him if he’s going to lose,” he said. “If he just stands there and does nothing, he’s going to win.”

Carville’s line of thinking is flawed for at least two reasons. He assumes a majority of voters dislike Trump as much as he does, but recent polls do not reflect that. Perhaps even more importantly, he is just assuming that Bernie Sanders supporters are already on board.

YouTube personality Tim Pool understands Sanders supporters better than many people, and he is absolutely convinced that Democrats have a problem here. This video is 23 minutes long but worth your time:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Election, Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, James Carville, Joe Biden, Republicans