Gallup: More People View Republican Party Favorably Than Democratic Party

Amid the Democrats’ partisan impeachment witch hunt, President Trump is enjoying the highest approval numbers of his presidency.

Gallup’s most recent poll also shows a stunning uptick in approval of the Republican Party, with GOP favorability breaking 50% for the first time since 2005.

Trump’s all-time highest job approval rating has him at +4 over Obama at this time in his third year (2012).

The Republican Party, according to Gallup, is also enjoying high favorability numbers and a greater percentage of Americans identifying as Republican or Republican leaning (at 48% to Democrat/Democrat leaning at 44%).

Gallup reports:

As Trump’s job approval rating has improved, so has the image of the Republican Party. Now, 51% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, up from 43% in September. It is the first time GOP favorability has exceeded 50% since 2005.Meanwhile, 45% of Americans have a positive opinion of the Democratic Party, a slight dip from 48% in September.Additionally, the poll finds 48% of Americans identifying as Republicans or leaning toward that party, compared with 44% Democratic identification or leaning. Recent Gallup polls had shown a fairly even partisan distribution, after the Democratic Party held advantages for much of 2019.

The poll was conducted between January 16-29, during the height of the Democrats’ partisan impeachment show in the Senate, so it’s safe to conclude that Americans have not been swayed by the Democrats’ increasingly desperate efforts to remove Trump from office.

What is not yet clear, however, is the extent to which the Democrats’ impeachment sham has boosted the numbers and how much of it is rooted in the president’s job performance, strong economy, and the many campaign promises he has kept despite being hindered by a Democrat House focused almost exclusively on impeachment and an antagonistic mainstream media.  It’s difficult not to wonder where Trump’s approval would be if he received the same fawning coverage afforded Obama.

Gallup continues:

Whether the rise in Trump’s approval rating and the Republican Party’s image is being driven by a backlash against impeachment, the strong economy or other factors may become clearer in the near future.If it is mostly impeachment-based, his approval rating may revert quickly back to pre-impeachment levels, as it did for Clinton. Within two months of his acquittal in February 1999, Clinton’s approval rating returned to where it was before he was impeached, as did the Democratic Party’s advantage in party identification and leaning.

Even if it’s a temporary bump due to Democrat overreach on impeachment, it’s good news for the GOP who should parlay this renewed goodwill into voter support this November not just for the presidency but in order to keep the Senate and retake the House.

Because Democrats will never admit they used very poor judgment in their Trump-deranged myopia on impeachment, retaking the House is the only way to ensure the country is not dragged through years of further impeachment nonsense should Trump win reelection.

Tags: 2020 Election, Democrats, Gallup Poll, Republicans