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#DemDebate: Elizabeth Warren promises to go after Bloomberg on stage

#DemDebate: Elizabeth Warren promises to go after Bloomberg on stage

Warren, without a hint of self-awareness: “We need a nominee that Democratic voters can trust.”

I am continually mystified by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s horrific political instincts.  As her campaign began to stall, she decided to go after fellow Democrats who were beating her in fundraising and polling.

As a result, she was so thoroughly owned by former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg during the December Democrat debate that I was surprised when she claimed that socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders told her a woman couldn’t win the presidency.

All that move accomplished was to underscore to Democrat primary voters Warren’s own credibility problems.  Given her long list of distortions, half-truths, dissembling, and outright lies, Warren will lose a “he said, she said” with just about anyone not named Clinton.

You’d think, then, that Warren would shy away from playing offense in future.  She’s bound to lose.  But nope.  Warren is eagerly anticipating tonight’s Democrat debate in Nevada because she imagines that she can take on former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg, and she intends to use the debate as a means of providing a “live demonstration” of how she will “take on an egomaniac billionaire.”

CNBC reports:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren tore into rival Mike Bloomberg on Tuesday, forecasting that his appearance on the Democratic debate stage in Las Vegas will allow his rivals to demonstrate their skills at taking on an “egomaniac billionaire” such as President Donald Trump.

“It’s a shame Mike Bloomberg can buy his way into the debate,” wrote Warren, D-Mass. “But at least now primary voters curious about how each candidate will take on Donald Trump can get a live demonstration of how we each take on an egomaniac billionaire.”

Setting aside the bizarrely growing trend on the left to compare President Trump to Bloomberg (they clearly still don’t understand why Trump won), Warren is likely to be reminded very quickly that she’s so politically inept that even political novice Buttigieg was able to damage her by flipping the script on her attacks about his fundraising.

She’s signalling all over the place what her line of attack will be (just as she did with Buttigieg), so it seems a safe bet that Bloomberg will be ready for her (just as Buttigieg was).  As long as Bloomberg’s team isn’t cautioning against the optics of hitting back hard against a female candidate, Warren is toast.

ABC News reports:

Even as he gets ready to take his first debate stage in more than a decade, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and his campaign are now girding themselves to face the gauntlet from fellow 2020 contenders.

And ahead of the big night, his opponents such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, have already signaled that he should prepare for an onslaught and are tearing into Bloomberg on two very contentious issues for his campaign: his record on race and criminal justice and how he has leveraged his wealth in his campaign.

“Mike Bloomberg’s expansion of “stop and frisk” devastated Black and Brown communities,” Warren tweeted Tuesday afternoon. “For years, he used racist justifications to defend the practice—and more comments are already resurfacing. We need a nominee that Democratic voters can trust.”

. . . . Her tweet underscores the eager, if anxious eye with which the Democratic candidates now cast toward going toe to toe with Bloomberg amid heightened scrutiny of his mayoral tenure and his rise in the polls.

“Bloomberg is the walking personification of her core message – that billionaires are trying to buy and corrupt our democracy. And also that we can’t have a Democratic nominee who is bad on gender, race, and economic issues.” Adam Green, who has worked with Warren and her team since 2012 as the co-founder of Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a progressive PAC, told ABC News.

“Warren is very good at calling out villains and, you know, she will have the embodiment of a villain right there on the big stage with her,” Green said.

With Warren’s campaign in free fall, she understands that she needs to land a decisive campaign-ending blow to Bloomberg, as Tulsi Gabbard did to Kamala Harris.  The problem?  Warren herself.

She is a deeply flawed candidate with a habit of lying about who she is and what she stands for.  When she trots out her line about “stop and frisk” and caps it off with “We need a nominee that Democratic voters can trust,” Bloomberg will eat for her lunch.  Without batting an eye.


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Probably the only other person more self-unaware than warren is bloomberg, so I don’t expect he’ll be very successful against her. This entire democrat field is a train wreck and it’s only getting worse.

And Bandy X. Lee (Yale) is nowhere to be found when a real psycho appears.

Maria Bartiromo surmised this morning that no one will really go after Mini Mike because Mike has promised to pour millions upon millions of dollars into the campaign of whoever the nominee is. With Warren’s campaign dead in the water, she’s got nothing to lose by going after Bloomberg. The others, I doubt they’ll bite the hand who will feed them.

This will be the first dem debate that I will watch … I figure it will be good for a bunch of laughs.

Fauxcahantas Vs The Nanny. Can’t wait to miss that.

I don’t know which is more laughable–Warren’s bite or Warren’s bark. In any event, bark as she will, the campaign caravan has moved on leaving Lizzie in the dust. Can’t say that I much care—oh maybe one 1024th of my attention will be devoted to her for the rest of the year.

Fauxcahontas apparently plans to zero in on MiniMike’s 60+ NDAs related to his routine sexual harrasment pathology. This guy IS a modern Caligula. I can’t wait to see how he explains this.

I see a Randy Newman revival in the future.

Your campaign is done. Might as well pull a hail mary.

The Friendly Grizzly | February 19, 2020 at 12:34 pm

Axios has a story up saying Bloomberg wants other candidates to drop out and make way for him. Boinie is becoming insurmountable and so Mini-Mike needs to step in and save things.

I rad it as, “step aside, peasants. I’m trying to but an office to play with. “

    Biden’s all revved up, and Buttigieg and Klobuchar suddenly each feel they have a chance.

    There are prices at which they’d drop out, and maybe Mike is working behind the scenes what those prices are. But for the sake of the greater good? Please, we’re talking some real nasty humans here, they don’t do anything for the greater good.

There apparently was a book prepared by Bllomberg employees that had a number of awful quotes of Mini-Mike, for Mini-Mike, that is now being exploited.

“Warren, without a hint of self-awareness: “We need a nominee that Democratic voters can trust.” ”

She is just telling everyone she is not that nominee.

Those academic types do love to punch down…

I dunno who picks the photos at LI, but they often give me a chuckle.

The photo of Warren above makes me think “She sure rocks the androgynous look.”

Cat fight!!!

Hillary was the most dishonest and unlikeable candidate in modern history

Lizzie: “Here, hold ‘um firewater”

Satan has more credibility than Warren.