Iran Accuses Europe of ‘Racism’ Over Faltering Nuclear Deal

Angered by Europe’s waning support for the nuclear deal, Iran has accused Britain, France, and Germany of “racism,” the French news agency AFP reported.

The notion that the international law worked only for those who were “blue-eyed” angered Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif.

“We do not accept such racism,” he added.

Zarif was irked by the sudden invocation of Article 36 of the 2015 nuclear deal by the three European powers earlier this month, which launched a disciplinary motion against Tehran for violating the accord.

France, Germany, and the UK triggered the dispute mechanism on January 14 in keeping with the provisions of the nuclear deal. Iran will now be facing a Joint Commission comprising of Russia, China, the three European signatories, and the European Union. If this multilateral panel fails to reach a resolution, the dispute will then go to the United Nations Security Council. The UN body could impose worldwide sanctions against the Iranian regime over its continued violation of the nuclear deal.

Tehran is now enriching weapons-grad uranium in direct violation of the Obama-era deal, Iranian state television announced early January. The Islamic regime already possesses ballistic missiles capable of reaching Western Europe.

The Times of Israel news website reported Iranian Foreign Minister’s outburst:

Iran’s foreign minister says Britain, France and Germany have shown “racism” by activating a dispute mechanism in the 2015 nuclear deal.In a televised speech in Tehran, Mohammad Javad Zarif slams the “illusion” that “only the blue-eyed” can benefit from international law.In the face of “repeated violations by the United States and Europe, Iran does not have the right to use Article 36 (of the deal) despite several written notifications to European officials,” Zarif says, without elaborating how Iran has been denied that right.“We do not accept such racism,” he adds.

Eternally pissed at the United States, the Mullah regime has now turned its fury on Europeans in recent weeks. Earlier this month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani threatened European troops stationed in the Middle East. “Today, the American soldier is in danger, tomorrow the European soldier could be in danger,” the Iranian President warned in a televised address on January 16.

Iran’s behavior is shocking if one considers the extent to which the European powers, Germany and France in particular, have going in appeasing the regime since President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the nuclear deal some two years ago.

The European and the EU leaders stuck firm to the deal despite the regime gunning down over a thousand Iranians who took to streets in protests that erupted mid-November. French President Emmanuel Marcon offered Tehran a generous loan of $15 billion to save the fledgling regime in the wake of tightening U.S. sanctions. Several Western European and Scandinavian countries have joined that German-backed Iran trading mechanism to bypass U.S. sanctions — more appropriately described by a senior U.S. Treasury official as a money-laundering and terrorism financing mechanism.

Iran isn’t satisfied with these efforts so far. Having squandered billions released under the Obama-Kerry deal on military buildup and on funding every Islamic terrorist group from Hamas to Hezbollah, the regime is now in severe financial trouble.

With U.S. sanctions stifling the regime’s ability to sell oil in the open market, its primary source of revenue, Tehran is finally turning on the European powers who have stood behind the nuclear deal despite Washington’s objections. Watching Iran stocking up on enriched uranium for a nuclear arsenal, even its staunchest backers in Berlin and Paris are beginning to abandon the meaningless nuclear deal.

Britain, France, Germany Trigger Dispute Resolution Mechanism from Iran Deal

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Tags: Europe, European Union, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump Iran