Something Very Big Just Happened Week at Legal Insurrection
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Something Very Big Just Happened Week at Legal Insurrection

Something Very Big Just Happened Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

One week ago, Trump announced on Twitter that something very big had just happened and he wasn’t kidding.

Some people didn’t take the news well.

The clown show goes on…

Democrats didn’t have a great week.

So long…


World news.

Branco cartoons!


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amatuerwrangler | November 3, 2019 at 12:40 pm

Off topic (already) — Its 0930 in the west and the replay of CBS Sunday Morning on POP-TV is just starting. The intro shows they will be doing a segment on the Gibson’s Bakery vs Oberlin. The tease showed a bunch of protesting students. It will be interesting to see how they (CBS) handle it.

If you are seeking an alternate to the brain-damaging NFL, this could be an option for you…

If anyone can post a link to the video of that segment, I’d appreciate it. Had an engagement this morning and couldn’t watch it.

    amatuerwrangler in reply to RandomCrank. | November 3, 2019 at 8:20 pm

    I see that LI has it up now as a full post. Andit looks like there is video included. If it isnot (I just now hit on and found that post on LI) you can try “CBS(dor)Com and look for “Sunday Morning”. That is the address they give to get a replay of 60 Minutes.

    They seem to run their interesting (sometimes) stuff at the same time the hay-burners need their grub…. Time and tide, and horse stomach, wait for no man…