Elise Stefanik to George Conway: “the one thing I’ve NEVER been called in my life is TRASH. You need serious help.”
Stefanik: “My opponent Taxin’ Tedra can have your sick mysogynist support.”

On Saturday morning, Kellyanne Conway’s NeverTrump husband tweeted that Rep. Elisa Stefanik (R-NY) is “lying trash.” The comment was in reaction to her stellar performance during the entirely partisan Democrat impeachment circus.
Stefanik has responded:
And for you @gtconway3d – the one thing I’ve NEVER been called in my life is TRASH.
You need serious help. My opponent Taxin’ Tedra can have your sick mysogynist support.
— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) November 16, 2019
Rather than apologize for his crude attack on Stefanik, Conway doubled down, countering “Well, now you have [been called ‘trash’].”
He then, without a hint of irony, calls President Trump “psychologically unstable” for . . . wait for it . . . name-calling.
Well, now you have. You tell lies to defend a psychologically unstable man who calls people “scum” for telling the truth about him. Good luck with your campaign. https://t.co/3KvXV042Zn
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) November 16, 2019
Utterly surreal.

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I honestly don’t understand how the Conway’s marriage continues. George goes out of his way to embarrass his wife- even Carville never sunk this low. A marriage may be built on love but it requires respect to grow.
Carville never would have gone this far off the deep end. He never insulted those who his wife worked for like this turkey.
I consider her an abused wife. The man in mentally deranged and I hope Conway is shown the door. He really is a sick man who should be locked away from her and their kids.
He claims he uses public twitter so he doesn’t scream and rant at his wife, but according to others who know them, he abuses her verbally frequently, even during parties and gatherings.
Kellyanne is spending more and more time away from him. I hope for her sake, as he is abusive, she makes the separation permanent.
George looks like a major boozer.
Ah, but he’s such a virile, handsome, intelligent Devil, he’s clearly in high demand from the Stacy Abrams Hooters wing of the Socialist Party.
I think that Kellyanne is hanging in there because she knows that were she to flush this turd the left would spin it into some issue of internal turmoil in the Trump Administration. She will keep her powder dry and guns primed for when she either takes her leave of Trump’s employ (leaving on a high note) or the end of his second term, whichever comes first.
That’s my opinion, I could be wrong. My Magic 8-Ball is broken.
There’s no help for TDS.
In the beginning, I thought Conway was presenting an opposing picture to keep Kellyanne’s career alive after Trump. Giving hre cover, so to speak, for supporting Trump. Well, seems I was wrong. This is a real problem. My deepest sympathies to Kellyanne for haing to deal with a whacko husband.
I’m starting to believe the charge of psychological instability is projection.
My sympathy to Kellyanne.
I have observed Donald J. Trump putting in very long hours and balancing multiple issues every day. The notion that he is psychologically unstable is simply untenable. George Conway was stupid to drink the Clinton koolaid.
Even without cubs, you ought not pick a fight with a she-Grizzly.
The scene from Thor II comes to mind where Loki says:
“I like her”.
Who would ever know who Mr Kellyanne Conway is without his wife? Who would care what he says? Didn’t think so.
Elise is from my district, and definitely will have my vote when she runs for reelection.
Not to worry, I’m giving my rep slotkin some real hard truths about being a scumbag and allowing the kangaroo court to go on.
We need to end public education and get some real teaching going on rather than the indoctrination that’s been rampant the last 40 years.
My theory is he has to make these remarks so he can work in DC. Kelly Ann and president Trump play along.
I hope when this impeachment thing is over, Elise can smile again. She truly lights up a room when she does.
Maybe he is AstroTurf? I am too far away to know how serious this guy is.
Imo his rants and rage and vitriol against Trump and those who support him are really directed at his wife. If I’m right that is one sick scary guy
She should tell ConwayTURD to go straight to hell!
She should tell ConwayTURD to go straight to hell!
Where is my comment?
What comment?
The democrat party is paying this piece of human excrement to make those comments.