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The Coming Collapse Week in Higher Education

The Coming Collapse Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

People have been predicting the higher education apocalypse for years. Could it actually happen?

Maybe this has something to do with it.

Compare and contrast.

This is not the point of college.

How is this acceptable?

That’s a pretty big haul.

So ridiculous.

Next they’ll come for George Washington.

Oh great.

Good for him!

Sounds perfectly reasonable.


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pablo panadero | September 7, 2019 at 9:44 am

I wonder if the tree will tweet “Gee, all this extra CO2 makes it easier to grow leaves and food. I wonder whether anyone will appreciate that around here?”

    artichoke in reply to pablo panadero. | September 7, 2019 at 1:45 pm

    Sorry for downvote, meant to hit reply and mouse landed in wrong place. Site gurus, pls. make it possible to correct ratings!

    Pablo you have identified the reason we don’t let trees actually talk. They would say un-PC things and tell us how stupid some things are.

Colleges are in trouble for a number of reasons: the insanity cited here and high costs, particularly for private liberal arts colleges and so-called Catholic colleges.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to bw222. | September 7, 2019 at 4:41 pm

    The birth rate really dropped with Obama’s Greatest Depression Evah in 2008.

    That dearth of high schoolers is now hitting higher education.

    Is it any wonder the College Administrations want taxpayers to pick up the bill for 100% free college?

The liberal antics at the universities certainly isn’t helping the admissions numbers. But the larger issue is probably the student debt crisis. While it is arguable as to whether or not it really is a crisis; the media coverage is causing some adolescents and their parents to take a step back and do a cost-benefit analysis of a college education.