Anti-Trump Studies Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.
Trump is having a serious impact on higher education in America.
- College Student Pleads Guilty to Trying to Hack Trump’s Tax Returns
- Harvard Prof Accuses Trump of Terrorism After Shootings, Calls for Impeachment
- New York Prof Compares Trump to Hugo Chavez and FOX News to Venezuelan Press
Gibson vs. Oberlin updates:
- David Gibson VIDEO: Oberlin College plans to drag out litigation because it knows I’m dying from pancreatic cancer
- Gibson’s Bakery: If Oberlin College appeals, we will seek reinstatement of full $44 million original verdict
Beyond parody.
- University’s ‘Diversity Department’ Maintains a ‘Masculinity Committee’
- Woman Accrues $500K in Student Loan Debt for Degrees in Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture
- U. Michigan Students Hold ‘Die-in’ as Call to Action for Climate Change
All leftism, all the time.
- Dominican University in CA Now Offering Social Justice Major
- American University Considering Mandating Use of Preferred Pronouns
- Prof Calls for Abolition of Grades Because They’re ‘Capitalism in Action’
Compare and contrast.
- Elite Universities Boost Professors Who Call for Gun Control in Wake of Shootings
- New York Outlaws Guns on Campus for Everyone but Security and Law Enforcement
History. How does it work?
Literature needs trigger warnings now?
Putting the ‘high’ in higher education.
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