Memorial Day 2019 – Freedom and Release
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Memorial Day 2019 – Freedom and Release

Memorial Day 2019 – Freedom and Release

Remembering Mike Spann, Roslyn Schulte, Jonathan Porto, Billie Taylor Presson, Christopher David Horton, the Cornell Class of 1944, and the other fallen, known and unknown.

Each Memorial Day we try to focus on the lives of a small number of individuals who gave their lives for our country, and whose stories we have followed for several years.

CIA Officer Johnny “Mike” Spann

[CIA Officer Johnny “Mike” Spann on horseback in Afghanistan]

The unfortunate news since last Memorial Day is that ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh was released from prison.

Lt. Roslyn Schulte

Lt. Schulte, who was Jewish, was honored on a memorial wall in Israel:

Air Force 1st Lieutenant Roslyn Schulte would not have considered herself a role model or a hero. “She just felt there was a right way to do things,” said her mother Susie, “and expected others would behave the same way.

“Roz was very committed to serving her country,” said Susie, “and we fully supported her in that. To the end she liked what she was doing and as parents that’s what you hope for with the choices your children make. We continue to be proud of the fact that she was doing what she wanted to.”

Lt. Schulte, who was killed in action in Afghanistan on May 20, 2009, will be memorialized with a plaque on JNF’s Wall of Honor at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem. The first female graduate of the Air Force Academy killed in action, Lt. Schulte chose to pursue a career in military intelligence after training to be a pilot.

She also was remembered at Goodfellow Air Force Base in Texas:

GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas — The Schulte family are presented a hand-drawn portrait of 1st Lt. Roslyn Schulte during a building dedication ceremony April 29, 2011. The dedication ceremony was in honor of Lieutenant Schulte, who was killed by a roadside bomb May 20, 2009 near Kabul, Afghanistan. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Laura R. McFarlane)

Cpl. Jonathan Daniel Porto

Be sure to reread the post at Legal Insurrection by Cpl. Porto’s wife, I am proud to be the widow of Cpl Jonathan Daniel Porto, USMC.

Capt. Billie Taylor Presson

Christopher David Horton

Be sure to reread the post at Legal Insurrection by Jane Horton, “My husband, like many fallen service members, would want to see you live”.

Cornell Class of 1944

The fallen, known and unknown

May their memories be a blessing.


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day of reflection for sure. I got lucky made it home after my time in service. course today I am doing bowel cleanse for borescoping due to possible blood marrow issue caused by ft mcclellan but….would do it all over again if needed.
to those that lost loved ones in service, you have my gratitude and condolences.

Nicely done. In the midst of the pageantry, parades, and patriotism, I like the way the Professor puts a name and face to the individuals who gave their all for country and fellow citizens. It’s particularly poignant for family and friends who remember their love ones taken too young.

My Dad enlisted in the Army Air Corp. to be a flight engineer on a B-29 Super Fortress. To this day he feels guilty that he returned, but so many of his high school classmates did not make it back alive. He’s 95 now, and through the years I’ve heard tales retold about his fallen classmates and their escapades at school before the horror of war took its toll.

God bless all veterans and their families.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | May 27, 2019 at 3:14 pm

I ran across this, and thought I would share. The author indicates his uncle was a Cornell alumnus:

counsel4pay | May 27, 2019 at 6:02 pm

In halls of wonder, these stalwarts rest with America’s heroes throughout of history. Free from both pain and peril, they enjoy the eternal rewards assured for those who serve Jesus:

53. That Patriot Dreams Will Come to Pass

How sad that we so rarely pray,
In gratitude for those before.
Whose struggles brought us to this day,
Whose sufferings opened freedom’s door.

They gave our Lord their every breath,
To seek for freedom as He asked–
Today, we face our fathers’ tests,
That patriots’ dreams will come to pass.

Yet some now speak of wars we’ve won.
And take their ease without a thought,
Of struggles that too soon will come,
With enemies our fathers fought.

For tyranny but sleeps awhile,
Until, refreshed, it comes again,
To mock the free with death’s dark smile,
And dare us fight until we win.

Our Savior asks us learn of them,
Whose blood has nourished freedom’s tree,
For in similitude of Him,
They gave their lives for liberty.

Let us now fight, while yet the light,
Shines bright from valiant heroes past,
Until we shine with Our Lord’s might,
That patriots’ dreams will come to pass.


We honor them this day, and pledge lasting care and comfort to those they left behind.

My mother once told me that when she woke as a 15 year old on Dec 8, 1941, that every boy in town over the age of 17 was gone, including her older brother age 18. Only about half came home.

RIP to all those that gave their lives that we might remain free.

Harvard probably has a “wall of shame,” excoriating alumni who served and died in the US Armed Forces.

Remember why we fight:

Monster: A Portrait of Stalin In Blood

Mao’s Great Leap Forward ‘killed 45 million in four years:

And remember: among the first two appointees of obama was a Maoist (Anita Dunn) and a communist (Van Jones.)