Report: Rep. Rashida Tlaib Penned Column for Anti-Semitic Farrakhan Publication in 2006

As Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) continues with her anti-Semitism controversy, freelance journalist Jeryl Bier discovered more ties to anti-Semitism, this time from Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

Bier found an op-ed Tlaib wrote for The Final Call, a publication run by anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan.

In the article, Tlaib explained why America shouldn’t deport legal immigrants for minor criminal offenses. The article identified Tlaib as the “advocacy coordinator of the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) in Detroit.”

While it looks like it has no anti-Semitic language in it, it does show the connection between anti-Semitism and Tlaib. Bier could not find evidence that Farrakhan or The Final Call endorsed Tlaib and neither could I in a Google search.

However, Bier found that Askia Muhammad, the man who took a picture of Farrakhan and President Barak Obama, wrote an article at The Final Call on Tlaib’s victory in November where he quoted Howard University Dr. Clarence Lusane:

Ms. Tlaib’s victory carries perhaps, the most significance. “She ran on a very progressive agenda. She didn’t bite her tongue, at all,” said Dr. Lusane. Hers “will be an important voice, not just because of her background, but because of the policies that she’s advocated, from increasing the minimum wage, and the peace agenda. It will be great, I think.“I would suspect that former Representative Conyers would actually be very happy that someone’s coming to take his place who really will represent not only the politics that he advocated for decades, but bring in that additional perspective and experience of being of Palestinian ancestry,” said Dr. Lusane.

Conyers was one of the many in Congress who had a relationship with Farrakhan.

It’s the same newspaper Keith Ellison used to hand out.

Tlaib has only been in Congress a little over a month, but she came on with a bang by having notorious anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, the woman who loves Farrakhan and terrorist Rasmea Odeh, with her at her swearing in. Also, someone covered Israel on the map in her office with a Post-It that says Palestine.

After her swearing-in, Tlaib dined with Abbas Hamideh, “a ‘Palestinian right of return’ activist who has called Israel a ‘terrorist entity.’ Hamideh has also tweeted that Israel has a “delusional ISIS-like ideology” and that the creation of the country was a ‘crime.'”

She also screamed at a party that “We’re going to impeach the Motherf***er!” in regards to President Donald Trump.

Then Tlaib also has no problem letting people know she is okay with the BDS Movement. From The Washington Free Beacon:

In late January, Tlaib advocated against Sen. Marco Rubio’s (Fla.) bill concerning Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, which would allow state and local governments to boycott companies that boycott Israel. Tlaib called the bill an “anti-First Amendment, anti-speech bill,” in an interview for the Intercept‘s “Deconstructed” podcast.”Do you know what we’ve done in this country with the right to boycott, what we’ve done in this country with the right to speak up and to protest and to say we disagree with this country and their doings? You look at Apartheid. You look at all the, you know, anti-blackness in our country and what we’ve been able to try to do to push back against that, you know, I don’t even call it an anti-B — I call it anti-First Amendment, anti-speech bill,” Tlaib said.In further support of the BDS movement, Tlaib attempted to organize a congressional trip to the West Bank. The attempt was in opposition to an Israel trip traditionally organized for freshman members of Congress by AIPAC, a group that advocates pro-Israel policies.”I want us to see that segregation [between Israelis and Palestinians] and how that has really harmed us being able to achieve real peace in that region,” Tlaib told the Intercept before she took office. “I don’t think AIPAC provides a real, fair lens into this issue.”

Tags: Antisemitism, Louis Farrakhan, Rashida Tlaib, US House