Northam About to Get the Boot? VA Delegation Reportedly Rallies Around AG Herring

Virginia Governor Northam’s days in office may be numbered. Under pressure from both sides of the aisle, first for endorsing murdering newborn babies and then for donning racist costumes while in med school.

Endorsing infanticide was just fine. The media and Democrats continue to pretend it never happened. But Northam’s racist costume was a bridge too far, apparently.

Thursday, Sen. Kaine (formerly on the ticket as Hillary’s VP hopeful) told The Washington Post the Virginia delegation believed Herring’s apology was sincere. Herring too is weathering a scandal of his own. When he was 19, he wore blackface while dressing up as a rap artist for a college party in 1980.

From the WaPo:

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) said Thursday that the state’s Democratic congressional delegation, which had called for Northam’s resignation, is withholding judgment on Herring, who is trying firm up support from Virginia’s black leaders.Kaine said that the delegation remained unified in its demand that Northam resign following his admission that he also wore blackface at a dance competition in 1984, in addition to the racist photo in his medical school yearbook.“We are likely to come out with a statement soon on the Herring case that, I think, we feel that we are generally in the same position – that he reached out to each of us individually, very apologetic,” Kaine told reporters in the U.S. Capitol after most of the Democratic delegation met in his office. “He is in dialogue with the legislative black caucus and African-American leadership in the state, and they have been impressed with his sincerity while they’ve been very disappointed with what happened.”Kaine, a former governor, said that the lawmakers felt Herring had been sincere in his apologies in a way that Northam had not, but the attorney general still “needs to answer questions of the press and the public too” to shore up support to continue in office.

Just about everyone in Virginia’s political leadership is in the hot seat right now:

My vote goes to this kid:

For our previous coverage of the ongoing Virginia Democrat implosion, see:

Aides: Tyson Told Rep. Bobby Scott About the Sexual Allegations Against Fairfax in 2017

VA Lt. Gov Fairfax Reportedly Retains Lawyers Who Represented Justice Kavanaugh

Fairfax Accuser Vanessa Tyson: ‘What Began as Consensual Kissing Quickly Turned Into a Sexual Assault’

Sources Tell NBC News That Fairfax Said ‘F*ck That Bitch’ in Reference to Sexual Assault Accuser

Virginia AG Mark Herring Admits He Wore Blackface Back in 1980

Woman Accusing VA Lt. Gov Fairfax of Sexual Assault Retains Law Firm Who Represented Christine Blasey Ford

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax Denies Sexual Assault Allegation

Northam Yearbook Photo Reportedly Leaked By Med School Classmate Disgusted by Abortion Comments

Northam Resignation Watch UPDATE: No Resignation, Admits to Blackface Different Time

This is CNN: Chyron shows disgraced Democrat Ralph Northam as Republican

VA DEM Gov. Ralph Northam quickly moves from infanticide scandal to blackface/KKK yearbook mess

Networks, Liberal Cable News Ignore Virginia Governor’s Endorsement of Aborting Delivered Babies

Democrats Aren’t Trying to Hide Their “No Limits” Abortion Extremism Anymore, Virginia Edition

Tags: Abortion, Pro-Life, Racism, Virginia