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January 2018

After Trump fired him, James Comey leaked four (4) of seven (7) internal FBI memos he created regarding his interactions with Trump to a Columbia Law School professor, for the purpose of passing on the contents to a reporter. The professor did just that, and it created the basis for NY Times reporting that Trump had demanded a "loyalty" pledge and also raised the issue of shutting down the investigation into Michael Flynn. Comey would testify to the same effect before Congress, which is when the fact of his leak came out under questioning by Susan Collins, almost by accident, and without any meaningful follow up to the bombshell testimony.

Check off another campaign pledge fulfilled by President Donald Trump.
The Trump administration, teeing up a fight with California regulators, is trying to pump more water through the fragile Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to the southern half of the state despite fresh evidence of the estuary’s shrinking fish population.

At a town hall meeting in 2016, then President Obama said of manufacturing: "Some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back." With that in mind, it's very interesting to learn that manufacturing in the United States is up. Way up.

Iran has seen six days of protests filled with people sick of the oppressive regime and demanding change. Not to be outdone, the regime staged pro-government rallies while Iran's Revolutionary Guards declared the uprisings have ended.

One of the concerns about the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel is that from the get go his investigation has appeared to go far afield of the "Russia collusion" that was the basis for his appointment. I made this point in an earlier post with regard to the guilty plea of Michael Flynn for lying with regard to post-election transition matters, Why is Robert Mueller even investigating the presidential transition?

This flame war between Trump and former aide Steve Bannon is something else. An article published in The Guardian Wednesday lifted passages from a new book 'Fire and Fury' by Michael Wolff. Bannon was quoted heavily in the book, calling the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians "treasonous."

January 1, 2018, marked the day that California officially became a “sanctuary state” after a bill Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in this fall officially took effect.

There are a few Democrats who think that since President Donald Trump won in November 2016 then maybe they can, too. After all, how did a man with no political experience beat the all mighty Hillary Clinton?! So a handful of politicians that not a lot of people have heard of believe they have a chance to take on Trump in 2020, including mayors and congressmen "low on the seniority totem pole."

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un threatened the U.S. with a nuclear strike, bragging that North Korean had the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead to the entire U.S. mainland. What's more, he suggested it could be done on a moment's notice, as the "button" was on his desk. It was posturing in the very present tense, as there is no indication North Korea has that capability today, even though it has the components: Nuclear bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles.