NOW-Baton Rouge Cancels Women’s March in New Orleans
“Many of the sister marches have asked the leaders of Women’s March, Inc. to resign but as of today, they have yet to do so.”

Another one bites the dust. I blogged last week that the National Organization for Women (NOW) decided not to donate to the Women’s March anymore due to the anti-Semitic and racism attitudes of those who lead the organization.
NOW’s Baton Rouge chapter announced on Saturday that it will cancel the planned Women’s March in New Orleans in January.
If you look through the comments, you’ll notice a lady named Leatta Perdue ask about the issues. Another linked to the Tablet magazine expose on leaders Linda Sarsour, Carmen Page, and Tamika Mallory. Like I’ve said before, this is nothing new to us at Legal Insurrection. But the exposure in Tablet finally got it through to everyone that these women are anti-Semitics who love and adore Louis Farrakhan.
As others explained to Perdue, she and others came to the same conclusion: It’s a “gross disaster.”
The NOW-Baton Rouge account even agreed with the feelings of others. Instead, the chapter and others in the thread encouraged everyone to use the day of the march as a Day of Service.
Those in charge in Chicago canceled the January Women’s March. The Washington state chapter closed. The New York Times finally acknowledged the hatred that runs through the veins of those at the top of the Women’s March.
Fuzzy blogged on Sunday that California’s Women’s March will not happen, but not because of anti-Semitism. It’s because their leadership fears it will be “too white.”
Remember the Unity Principles? You’ll notice that Jewish women and white women and Christian women are not mentioned:
“We must create a society in which all women — including Black women, Indigenous women, poor women, immigrant women, disabled women, Muslim women, lesbian, queer and trans women — are free,” it read.
I will always repost this portion of the Tablet magazine article because it should make everyone’s blood boil (emphasis mine):
At the end of January, according to multiple sources, there was an official debriefing at Mallory’s apartment. In attendance were Mallory, Evvie Harmon, Breanne Butler, Vanessa Wruble, Cassady Fendlay, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour. They should have been basking in the afterglow of their massive success, but—according to Harmon—the air was thick with conflict. “We sat in that room for hours,” Harmon told Tablet recently. “Tamika told us that the problem was that there were five white women in the room and only three women of color, and that she didn’t trust white women. Especially white women from the South. At that point, I kind of tuned out because I was so used to hearing this type of talk from Tamika. But then I noticed the energy in the room changed. I suddenly realized that Tamika and Carmen were facing Vanessa [Wruble], who was sitting on a couch, and berating her—but it wasn’t about her being white. It was about her being Jewish. ‘Your people this, your people that.’ I was raised in the South and the language that was used is language that I’m very used to hearing in rural South Carolina. Just instead of against black people, against Jewish people. They even said to her ‘your people hold all the wealth.’ You could hear a pin drop. It was awful.”
It is about damn time everyone knows and understands the truth about these horrible women. Not only do they hate Jews and love Farrakhan, but Sarsour openly embraced the evil that is Rasmea Odeh. Professor Jacobson devoted a lot of time to bring attention to Odeh, a terrorist that murdered two Jewish boys decades ago.

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The direct quotes are best…..let everyone read exactly what they said and come to their own conclusions. Bigots can’t help but out themselves.
The simple truth is that Americans are not bigots. They hunger and thirst for justice, and the sarcastically-named “social justice” will not satisfy them, because it is injustice wrapped in muddy rhetoric.
When I went to the first Women’s March in San Diego, I fully expected to see all kinds of sponsors. Instead, I saw the Democrat Party, and not much else. The speakers at the rally were more concerned with their anti-Trump this and that, rather than women’s issues. I did not bother with the next one, because the first one was not a Women’s March, to begin with.
The Women’s March in DC was even worse than the one I attended. It featured a terrorist, a murderer, and someone who wanted to kill the elected President among its speakers.
And now we see support for the Women’s March crumbling because nobody wants to be associated with violent bigots.
I am gratified, but not at all surprised. Half of the voters in this country may have voted for Hillary Clinton, and a substantial number of them still believe the drivel about this administration from The Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and MSNBC. That makes them ill-informed, but not necessarily people of ill will.
Something similar happened with the Palestinian Flotilla II, when even the Organization of Islamic Conferences admitted that there was no humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
It’s the same gramscian long march tactic used by the marxist, but now co-opted by the vile Jew haters.
IowaHawk distilled it best:
1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
Of course, NOW is not so much a respected institution, but the concept still applies…
“We must create a society in which all women — including Black women, Indigenous women, poor women, immigrant women, disabled women, Muslim women, lesbian, queer and trans women — are free,” it read.
Wait, they were all in jail?
These organizers are vile human beings.
For the last 30 years, the question has been, what do women want? This is a question which every woman, in fact every person, should ask themselves.
At this moment in history, women are essentially equal to men in every area except physical strength. We have laws to protect their rights. We have federal and state agencies which are mandated to correct any infringement upon equal rights for women. We have a whole legal grievance industry in place to litigate complaints of unfair treatment of women. Because of the evolution oof women’s rights in this country, women no longer need to depend upon men to guarantee their existence. So, exactly what do women want?
To get even.
Which was pretty much going to be at the heart of every Hillary policy.
But on a more personal level
A reverse Alinsky….