Susan Rice Considers Running Against Susan Collins

The Obama administration was stuffed to the gills with unsavory characters, but one that stands out above most others is Susan Rice. And now she’s hinted that she might consider running against Senator Susan Collins (R-ME).

As we’ve covered here at LI, Rice has been at the center of far too many Obama-era scandals. From lying about the cause of the Benghazi compound attack that left four men, including an American ambassador dead, to lying about the deserter Bowe Bergdahl having “served with honor and distinction, to unmasking Trump campaign officials, Rice was front and center.

Rice is now suggesting that she will run against Collins.

The Daily Mail reports:

Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice has hinted that she may challenge Susan Collins for her Senate seat in 2020 following her announcement to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.

When another Obama official tweeted asking who would challenge Collins in the 2020 Senate election, Rice said she’d rise to the occasion replying ‘Me’, stirring surprise on the internet.

Rice also condemned Collins for pledging support to Kavanaugh despite the multiple allegations of sexual assault against him.

. . . .  Rice followed up with a clarifying tweet saying: ‘Many thanks for the encouragement. I’m not making any announcements.’

‘Like so many Americans, I am deeply disappointed in Senator Collins’ vote for Kavanaugh. Maine and America deserve better,’ she added.

Rice has a home in Maine and her mother was born there, meaning she could run for a senate seat there.

Asked by Laura Ingraham about a possible Rice challenge and promises of financial support for any Collins challenger, Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) responded with his familiar deadpan understatement:  “”Senator Collins will be well-funded, I can assure you.”

Tags: Maine, Susan Rice, US Senate