Hamas Bomb Expert Blows Himself Up

We have covered several instances where Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist commanders and bomb experts have blown themselves up or otherwise killed themselves in what euphemistically are called “work accidents.”

Sometimes it clearly was an accident, sometimes there is suspicion that Israel was behind it:

The Times of Israel reports:

A member of the Hamas security forces was killed Wednesday in an accidental explosion in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian terror group reported.The military wing of Hamas announced the man was Abdel Rahim Abbas, 42, a local commander of the Hamas security forces.The Hamas-run Gaza interior ministry said the explosion happened at the administrative headquarters for the police’s bomb disposal unit and was a result of explosive materials catching on fire during an inspection.Police and civil defense units extinguished the fire caused by the explosion, the ministry added.A Hamas security source said he was trying to neutralize an Israeli munition.

He did have a history of dealing with unexploded Israeli ordinance.

It’s doubtful he was working on an Israeli munition at the time, since he was working indoors, but if he was, *maybe* it wasn’t an accident.

This photo appears to show the power of the explosion inside the passport building where he was working on the explosives.

The Hamas Al-Qassam Brigade posted several posters honoring the “martyr”:

The top Hamas brass turned out for the funeral, demonstrating how important he was in the terror group:

I particularly like the auto translate on this tweet — not sure “champ” is the translation intended by Hamas:

Photos also have been posted of the “champ” appearing to instruct others on how to wire bombs.

What’s that saying again?

Those who can’t do, teach.

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Palestinian Work Accident