Neo-Neocon’s 5th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection

On July 19, 2013, Neo-Neocon posted for the first time at Legal Insurrection, Obama’s identification with Trayvon Martin. Over 200 posts later, here we are at her 5th Anniversary.

I’m not sure how we connected, probably as a result of her involvement as a Tea Party blogger at her own website, Neo-Neocon.

You can check out her old blogspot blog here.

Back in the day, there was a vibrant Tea Party and conservative independent blogosphere, and Neo was part of it, carefully avoiding a full face view of her during public appearances so the IRS wouldn’t get her.

[Neo-Neocon (right) at Newburyport City Hall for the Essex County Tea Party and Rally, March 2009][Image via Sisu blog]

The photo with her face covered partially by the green apple has become her trademark (figuratively, not literally). She notes:

Why the apple? See this.

She takes the obscuring of her face with the green apple seriously, as in this 2006 photo:

[Fausta, Neo-neocon, Michael Totten, and Judith of Kesher][via Gates of Vienna]

She once went black, but did go back (to green):

Which raises the age-old question.

Is she real, or just a figment of our imagination?

But doubt not. I’ve met her.

She’s real, and she’s spectacular!

And she has a name. Jean Kaufman, which she has used publicly before, so I’m not giving away any secrets. She provided this description of her background:

“Neo-neocon” is the blogger Jean Kaufman, who started out by blogging anonymously but began writing under her own name years ago as well. Jean’s specialty is the phenomenon of individual political change, especially of the left-to-right variety, and the personal and social aspects of being a conservative in a crowd of liberals . She has degrees in law and family therapy, but also writes about the arts (particularly dance) and whatever else happens to catch her interest, which can be just about anything on earth.. Jean was born in New York City, but has lived in various parts of New England for most of her adult life.

Since that first post 5 years ago, Jean has become our “thoughtful” and “pondering” writer, focused not on breaking news, but on putting news in context. She tackles issues others shy away from, such as:

Jean writes for this anniversary post:

Years ago, when I’d been blogging only sporadically for just a few months, I decided to make a bargain with myself. I would post something every day—or almost every day–for an entire month, and see whether I could sustain the practice and get any readers. A month of writing every day seemed like a very long time to me back then. But I’ve been blogging now at my own site for (gulp!) nearly fourteen years,, and it’s been my great pleasure and privilege to branch out and become part of the quality forum at Legal Insurrection for the past five years.Five extremely eventful and fascinating years, I might add. I thank Professor Jacobson and all my fellow authors, contributors, and editors, and of course all of the readers and commenters here at Legal Insurrection.

Why is she thanking the commenters? Suddenly I question her judgment.

But anyway, here’s to the next 5. Thanks, Jean.


Check our 5th Anniversary posts for other Legal Insurrection authors:

Andrew Branca

David Gerstman

Fuzzy Slippers

Leslie Eastman

Mike LaChance

A.F. Branco

Tags: Author Anniversary, Blogging