Hillary: “I am Done With Being a Candidate”

Music to our ears! Failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told CBS Sunday Morning that she is through with being a candidate:

Clinton says her career as an active politician is over but says she will stay involved politically.”I am done with being a candidate. But I am not done with politics because I literally believe that our country’s future is at stake,” she said.

Hillary appeared on the show to promote her memoir What Happened, which will come out on Tuesday.

Since her defeat, Hillary and her main core of supporters have pointed the finger at everyone…except her. Screams of misogyny have filled our ears, accusations against the Russians flooded the news.

Of course, sexism and even racism snuck up in Hillary’s interview with Jane Pauley:

“I started the campaign knowing that I would have to work extra hard to make women and men feel comfortable with the idea of a woman president,” she said. “It doesn’t fit into the– the stereotypes we all carry around in our head. And a lot of the sexism and the misogyny was in service of these attitudes. Like, you know, ‘We really don’t want a woman commander in chief.'”Her opponent — real estate billionaire and reality TV star, Donald Trump, a political novice who had previously defeated 16 GOP primary challengers.”He was quite successful in referencing a nostalgia that would give hope, comfort, settle grievances, for millions of people who were upset about gains that were made by others because—” Clinton said.”What you’re saying is millions of white people,” Pauley said.”Millions of white people, yeah,” Clinton replied. “Millions of white people.”

Yes, she brought up the supposed Russian interference by phishing the DNC emails that showed the organization colluding with party higher ups to manipulate the primary in Hillary’s favor:

And then the Russians. American intelligence began picking up signals that Moscow was attempting to influence the election in Trump’s favor — both by hacking into Democratic National Committee e-mails and by spreading false information online.”The forces that were at work in 2016 were unlike anything that I’ve ever seen or read about. It was a perfect storm,” Clinton said.

Pauley then pressured Hillary to admit the mistakes she made that contributed to her loss. Hillary mentioned one of her crimes…wait, I mean, mistakes:

“Oh, I think the– the most important of the mistakes I made was using personal email,” Clinton said.A stream of explanations for her decision to use a private email server while she was secretary of state never satisfied critics or the press.”I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, that was my responsibility,” she said. “It was presented in such a negative way, and I never could get out from under it. And it never stopped.”Not even after the director of the FBI, James Comey, cleared her of any criminal charges.”We cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts,” Comey said, while adding a post-script that stuck: “There is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.””I don’t know quite what audience he was playing to, other than– maybe some, you know, right-wing commentators, right-wing members of Congress, whatever,” Clinton said.

(Or maybe he was playing to the audience of EVERYONE. Just saying.)

Hillary still believes that Comey’s last minute revelation that some of Hillary’s emails appeared on aide Huma Abedin’s husband’s (the infamous Anthony Weiner) computer was the final nail in her campaign’s coffin:

“Eleven days before the election. And it raised the specter that, somehow, the investigation was being reopened,” Clinton said. “It just stopped my momentum. Now, remember this, too, Jane. At the same time he does that about a closed investigation, there’s an open investigation into the Trump campaign and their connections with Russia. You never hear a word about it. And when asked later, he goes, ‘Well, it was too close to the election.’ Now, help me make sense of that. I can’t understand it.”

Yet, Hillary admitted that her tone in the campaign didn’t strike with many Americans. You know, the many she earlier implied were racists:

“I understood that there were many Americans who, because of the financial crash, there was anger,” she said. “And there was resentment. I knew that. But I believed that it was my responsibility to try to offer answers to it, not to fan it. I think, Jane, that it was a mistake because a lot of people didn’t wanna hear my plans. They wanted me to share their anger. And I should’ve done a better job of demonstrating I get it.”

Hillary also used the leaked Access Hollywood tape that showed Trump talking about getting away with grabbing women in private areas because he is famous as prep for a debate with Trump:

“After we heard him admitting and laughing about sexually assaulting women and being able to get away with it because if you’re a star, you can do anything. So in my debate prep, we practiced this,” she said. “The young man playing Trump would stalk me. And I practiced keeping my composure. I practiced not getting rattled. Well, it’s one thing to practice it. It’s another thing to be in front of, you know, 50 million, 60 million, 70 million people and having him scowling and leering and moving up on me. And– it– it was so discombobulating.”And so while I’m answering questions, my mind is going, ‘Okay, do I keep my composure? Do I act like a president?’ Or do I wheel around and say, ‘Get outta my space. Back up, you creep’? Well, you know, I didn’t do the latter. But I think in this time we’re in, particularly in this campaign, you know, maybe I missed a few chances.”

Many on the left thought the Access Hollywood tape would end Trump, but it didn’t. It may have had something to do with Hillary’s husband former President Bill Clinton, who has been accused by numerous women of rape and sexual assault. Not only did Hillary stick with him, but she also attacked those alleged victims while claiming to be a feminist.

But still, as she has since the defeat, she placed blame elsewhere. Last week, some people leaked excerpts of the memoir where Hillary lashed out at her opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for causing “lasting damage” with his personal attacks against her.

Tags: 2016 Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal