Is Nancy Pelosi the next politician to Feel The Bern?

I predicted that the shenanigans used to lift-up the weak primary campaign of Hillary Clinton against her grassroots challenger, Bernie Sanders, would impact the Democratic Party for some time to come.

Those chickens are now coming home to roost!

The most recent Democrat to face an unexpected challenge is House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The gavel-wielding harridan is about to #FeelTheBern.

San Francisco attorney Stephen R. Jaffe is a lifelong Democrat and he intends to do what no Democrat has been able to do so far: make it to a runoff election against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.Jaffe, 71, is an employment attorney who became a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign last year.”I was a pretty hard-core Bernie supporter,” said Jaffe, who gave money to the campaign and volunteered during the Nevada caucuses. He was one of two attorneys who filed for an injunction on behalf of Sanders supporters in the California primary, requesting “re-votes” and an extension of the voter registration deadline. (The request was denied.)Jaffe said he was “devastated” by Sanders’ loss to Hillary Clinton in the primary season and that Sanders, in part, inspired him to run. He says he supports single-payer healthcare and criticized Pelosi for raising money from corporations and special interests.

Pelosi has never faced a serious primary challenge prior to this cycle. However, in the wake of Iowa Coin tosses favoring Clinton, interim DNC chair Donna Brazile leaking primary debate questions to Clinton, contentious complaints that super-delegates were stealing the election from Sanders, and the quashing of Bernie supporter protests during the convention as they were trying to express their deep unhappiness with the ultimate nominee, Bernie supporters are itching to continue the fight.

Jaffe’s statements regarding his motivation for challenging Pelosi are very much in keeping with the anti-establishment sentiments forged during the heated primary season. Legal Insurrection readers will recall that Democrat Jon Ossoff from the Georgia 6th Special Election was also inspired by Sanders to enter into the political fray.

However, instead of facing an array of Republicans, Jaffe is facing a veritable Goliath in the Democratic Party.

Jaffe’s credentials include work dealing with sexual harassment law, which could be invaluable when dealing with Washington, D.C., politicians. A client review on his law firm’s testimonial page offers some insight on the nature of his work:

“Mr. Jaffe took on my case when it seemed impossible to find representation. The case had great merit, yet no one else would go against the Goliath ($$$$). Mr Jaffe not only went up against them, he gave me the closure needed, as well as securing me the additional help I required to survive a horrific ordeal. I have no words to ever thank him fully, and my recommendation of his services could not be higher.”…Kamala W., May 19, 2008

It’s a good thing that Jaffe seems willing to go after Goliaths, then.

I sure hope that Jaffe continues the streak of surprise grassroots victories over establishment challengers!

Tags: 2018 Elections, Bernie Sanders, California, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi