Joy Reid’s “Conservative Commentator” Wants Ivanka and Jared to Push Trump Left
“Ivanka and Jared are more moderate. I hope they would use that influence a little bit more.”

As we’ve documented, Joy Reid has a habit of shutting down conservatives on her MSNBC show who say things she doesn’t like. So today, Reid invited on her kind of conservative.
Kirsten Haglund, billed by the show as a “conservative commentator,” was highly critical of the way Ivanka allegedly mixes business and public service. Haglund’s criticism was indistinguishable from that of the liberal panelists.
But what really put the lie to the notion that Haglund is a “conservative commentator” was this line from her: “Ivanka and Jared are more moderate. I hope they would use that influence [on Trump] a little bit more.” So Reid’s idea of a “conservative” is someone who wants to see President Trump pushed to the left. Got it!
Maybe one of these days, Reid will have real conservatives on her show, and let them express themselves without fear of defenestration.
Note: Professor Jacobson has noted a similar trend at the New York Times: a propensity to hire “nice” conservatives who won’t make trouble. As Byron York put it in a funny-but-true line that the professor quoted, “seeking diversity, NYT editorial page wants anti-Trump opinion from left, right, and center.”

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Anyone who watches MSNBC has to be braindead.
I resemble that remark!
If they are dumb enough to watch it, who turns on the television for them?
The nice lady here at the home.
Mark’s taking one for the team.
“Oh the pain, the pain!”
The only good thing about Liberals taking over is that they will kill everyone in Hollywood, and all the SJWs.
That’s how they roll. No need for the idiots once they take full control. Ask a Russian… A Cuban… A North Korean…
Hollywood’s Death Spiral – The secret numbers tell the story. (Parts 1 and 2)
Here’s what Joyless and her ilk want here.
“There is a massive psy-ops and social media propaganda campaign currently being pushed by the Venezuelan government in order to cover for their violent responses toward the average citizen in the country. Liberal/Hollywood media are lax in covering the crisis because Venezuela represents a failure of their previously heralded socialist state.”…..
More Than 20 Killed During Venezuela Protests for Political Reform and Freedom…”
PMSNBC continues hiring the intellectually handicapped.
Rather than try and get a real conservative on her show, she should be invited onto Tucker’s show where he can share the fun.
So Morning Rino gets edged-out for coverage for this clown-ette?
Isn’t Trump and his team already heading left, at least on immigration? He wants to keep DACA and Pence is coming back to the US with 1,250 Muslim “refugees” in tow.