Anti-Israel activists already trying to hijack anti-Trump protests

Anti-Israel activists, usually acting under the banner of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, repeatedly try to hijack unrelated causes to turn them against Israel.

We have documented such actions many times, including with regard to Ferguson (Michael Brown) and Baltimore (Freddie Gray) riots, Eric Garner protests, the Standing Rock Sioux pipeline protest, domestic U.S. police shootings, Reclaim MLK marches, and the Black Lives Matter movement, among others.

None of this is solidarity. It’s conquest of other peoples and movements to redirect them to and focus attention on the BDS anti-Israel agenda. It is a form of Settler Colonialism, BDS is a Settler Colonial Ideology.

Not surprisingly, BDS groups are attempting to inject themselves into and dominate the anti-Trump protests and riots.

NYC-SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine), an extremist group that believes peaceful protests and boycotts are inadequate, is urging the protests turn into an Intifada — the violent serious of suicide bombings, shootings and knifings that have taken thousands of lives.

Here is some more video in which anti-Israel activists raised the Palestinian flag and chanted anti-Israel slogans as part of the anti-Trump protests and riots:

How will this end?

The way it usually ends in these hijackings — anti-Israel activists damage the movement they supposedly support.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, BDS, SJP, Yousef Munayyer