James O’Keefe of Project Veritas Suspended (Briefly) From Twitter
A 12-hour block, followed by possible additional hurdles to restore his account

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has been dropping some hot stories of late . . . none of which reflect well on Hillary Clinton. For some reason (?), his Twitter account was briefly suspended.
After releasing two viral videos over the last two days, Project Veritas Founder and President James O’Keefe is no longer allowed to access his Twitter account. According to Twitter, he is blocked from accessing his account for twelve hours, at which point they reserve the right to make him pass additional hurdles to access his account.
On Tuesday, O’Keefe released a video which shows Manhattan Democratic Election Commissioner Alan Schulkin admitting that voter fraud does indeed exist.
On Wednesday, O’Keefe released a video which shows a male Hillary Clinton staffer stating: “To be fired I would have to grab Emma’s [female coworker] ass twice and she would have to complain about it, I would have to sexually harass someone.”
The second video also showed the campaign worker stating that he could rip up Republican voter registration forms and not be reprimanded.
We’ve already seen that Twitter has an odd measure of what’s acceptable and what is not, usually favoring—no surprise—Democrats and suspending conservative accounts. Like Insty, O’Keefe is back up and running again now.

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