New video evidence In the Matter of Cornell v. Watters’ World

Jesse Watters of the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News visited Cornell late last month to interview students about a Cornell Daily Sun report that over 96% of faculty donations went to Democrats.

And then a funny thing happened. Cornell Media Relations shut Watters down. Which created — as I predicted — a Streisand Effect.

There was widespread criticism of Cornell’s handling of the event, including by mainstream media.

But those reactions were peppered with cheap shots at Fox News and Watters, like the claim by The Daily Sun in an editorial that accused Watters of posing “witless questions” and engaging in “shoddy journalism techniques.”

So Watters and O’Reilly ran a follow-up segment last night, with more video. Via The Cornell Review:

“They called you a practicer of shoddy journalism,” O’Reilly laughed, referring to a Sun staff editorial about the video and media fallout.Watters responded, “I didn’t embarrass the students, they did that for themselves.”

And the verdict is?

Tags: Cornell, Fox News