Lincoln Chafee: Jeb Bush is drinking neo-con Kool-Aid

Republican presidential hopefuls aren’t the only candidates making their way through Iowa’s famed State Fair.

Speaking to what looks to be approximately four bored supporters Monday, Democratic contender former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee (yes, we’d also forgotten he was running) had some choice words for former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

“After the mistake we made with invading Iraq, I felt it was my responsibility, my responsibility to do something about fixing it. Yes, I voted against it but that’s not good enough. We need to fix it. And a couple of days ago, Jeb Bush was saying in 2009, oh it was mission accomplished, Iraq was a secure place, and he’s just drinking some neo-con Kool-aid to think that Iraq was secure,” said Chafee.

2004 called, they want their political buzzword back.

Chafee continued, “and we just cannot have these people come back, come back, come back to make those same kind of mistakes. Their delusional if they think Iraq was secure and the mission was accomplished. We just can’t have those people come back because they’re not telling us the truth, just like they didn’t when they said Saddam Hussein had WMDs. It just wasn’t the truth. We want our good leaders to tell our citizens the truth.”

Hillary Clinton not available for comment.

Chafee hasn’t been shy in reminding voters that while serving in the U.S. Senate, he voted against the Iraq war while Mrs. Clinton voted in favor.

Chafee managed to work in a pretty solid jab at Hillary Clinton:

WARNING: do not attempt to operate heavy machinery as full speech may cause severe drowsiness:

Follow Kemberlee Kaye on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Linc Chafee