FULL VIDEO: PM Netanyahu’s Address to Congress
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We’ve provided extensive coverage of the drama surrounding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress—and now, the day has finally arrived.
We’ll be providing tweets and commentary below the fold.
Where will Obama be while Netanyahu is speaking? Huddled in the situation room:
Obama will hold a video conference at 11:30 a.m. to discuss Ukraine and other foreign policy issues with British Prime Minister David Cameron, French President François Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and European Commission President Donald Tusk, according to an updated schedule released this morning.
Feed goes LIVE at 11 am:
(Video troubles? You can also watch HERE, via C-SPAN.)
Obama Launches Preemptive Interview on Bibi Speech
Netanyahu wins narrative at #AIPAC2015
Congressional Choice not Bibi v. Barack – but Western Civilization v. Iranian Mullahs
Netanyahu at #AIPAC2015 (Live)
Administration Attacks on Bibi Spur Bipartisan Support for Israel
Heh. Shots fired. (Not that everyone wasn’t already thinking it.)
Open thread: Leader of the free world speaks to joint session of Congress http://t.co/UBh7VrvRe1
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) March 3, 2015
Looks like that boycott really worked out. Thanks, Dems!
Full chamber. Bravo on the boycott.
— Cuffé (@CuffyMeh) March 3, 2015
Mood in the House looks jovial. See how happy everyone is when Democrats go away? #Bibi
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) March 3, 2015
In fact, let’s just rub it in:
Glad Bibi scrapped smoke machine and idea of bursting through paper Israel flag and then low-fiving gauntlet of House leadership.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahNRO) March 3, 2015
Guys, even the YOU TUBE COMMENTS support Israel. @TheDemocrats have never lost harder.
— Amy Miller (@amyvrwc) March 3, 2015
Vice President Joe Biden couldn’t be bothered to attend. It’s shameful, but I’d rather see Hatch up there than Biden’s goofy mug:
Sen Hatch, filling the VP seat, will sit behind Prime Minister Netanyahu when he speaks to Congress. #StandWithIsrael pic.twitter.com/aGBBkfyAHI
— Senator Hatch Office (@SenOrrinHatch) March 3, 2015
Observation: The US Congress doesn’t just support Netanyahu—they’re proud of him. All of a sudden, the loss of 40 odd Democrats doesn’t seem so scandalous. It’s no loss.
Finally – a real leader addressing Congress. #Netanyahu
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu just called the US Congress the most important legislative body in the world—which is exactly why he’s here, and exactly why it was so important for him to not back down on this address. As he said at AIPAC yesterday, Israel has always been a bipartisan issue; and that issue is rooted not in political games, but in the preservation of an entire nation of people. Congress has a great deal of control over the “how” of that preservation.
Netanyahu is killing Obama with kindness. Believe me, it's hurting him.
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu is far more gracious to Obama than he deserves after his administration has trashed him. (see: chickensh*t)
— Ellen L. Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) March 3, 2015
If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of tracking them down in the world, @netanyahu quotes head of Hezbollah.
— Crystal Wright (@GOPBlackChick) March 3, 2015
“If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down…” Another Persian potentate is threatening the existence of the Jewish people. Not “Israel” or “Zionism,” but the Jewish people. This is something I heard refuted time and again at the Code Pink/pro-BDS protest I attended on Sunday, and it’s something anyone who cares about the security of the Jewish people needs to flog until people truly understand what’s happening in the Middle East.
Netanyahu: “So when it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy”
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu: just last week, Iran blew up a mock U.S. aircraft care. But they have attacked American soldiers with IEDs for years. THANK YOU.
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) March 3, 2015
BN: We must all stand together to stop Iran's march of conquest, subjugation, and terror.
— Leslie Carbone (@lesliecarbone) March 3, 2015
Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant islamic jihad. #Bibi
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 3, 2015
When Netanyahu speaks, we listen.
People on their phones outside Capitol listening to @netanyahu pic.twitter.com/i3EiJVblb0
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) March 3, 2015
(I wonder why…)
Notice how Netanyahu says "Islamism, militant Islam, and Jihad" – and not "violent extremism" or "disaffected, underemployed youth"
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) March 3, 2015
Here's what I strongly appreciate about Netanyahu's speech to Congress on Iran: no bomb-throwing. No vituperation. Just a case, well-made.
— Jeff B@AoSHQDD (@EsotericCD) March 3, 2015
Contrast @netanyahu 's gracious tone towards @BarackObama with president's peevish tone in Reuters interview http://t.co/zCbxknGax2
— David Gerstman (@soccerdhg) March 3, 2015
This morning, I spoke with WIBC Indy’s Tony Katz about the problem with trusting Iran, and now Netanyahu is laying the case against Obama’s Iran deal perfectly—it both leaves Iran with a vast nuclear program, and lifts restrictions on it in about a decade. Obama is banking on Iran keeping its promises—but we all know that Iran is notorious for doing the exact opposite.
"Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium." — @Netanyahu
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) March 3, 2015
Ten years to a nuclear bomb isn't a short time, "just a blink of an eye" for a nation, says @IsraeliPM. #NetanyahuSpeech
— Terri Green (@TerriGreenUSA) March 3, 2015
I guess Obama didn't want anyone to notice Iran was defying inspectors, or think about those 190k centrifuges in 10 years.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 3, 2015
"That's why this deal is so bad. It doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb. It paves Iran's path to the bomb." Bam.
— SarahK Fleming (@sarahk47) March 3, 2015
What do we want? For Iran to act like a normal country!
"If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it act like a normal country." @netanyahu
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) March 3, 2015
#Netanyahu: Before we deal, Iran must: Stop regional aggression, stop supporting worldwide terror, stop threatening to annihilate Israel.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) March 3, 2015
Bibi: If Iran threatens to walk away, "call their bluff."
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu has called out and destroyed Obama’s false dichotomy; this bad deal isn’t the only thing standing in between where we are now, and outright war. We also have another option–a better deal.
This is really the crux of the issue. Everything the Obama Administration has done thus far has been done with the express intent of maintaining their power over Israel’s fate. They’ve made Israel a political, partisan issue because they know for certain that they can’t win the narrative any other way. Obama would rather push a bad deal on the world than admit that his entire world view is fundamentally and fatally flawed.
Netanyahu knows this. It’s why he’s here—not to ask for reason, but to deliver a message:
"The days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies – those days are over." @netanyahu
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) March 3, 2015
“Even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand.” #NetanyahuSpeech
— Amy Miller (@amyvrwc) March 3, 2015
"Be strong and resolute. Neither fear nor dread them." — @Netanyahu quoting Moses quoting God
— Melissa Clouthier (@MelissaTweets) March 3, 2015
Professor Jacobson curated these tweets throughout the speech…scroll through for a “best of!”
Almost every single network around the world airs the #NetanyahuSpeech pic.twitter.com/cSkCfkn98C
— Nico Maounis (@nicomaounis) March 3, 2015
Here’s the ugly list of all 56 idiot Democrats who are SKIPPING Netanyahu speech http://t.co/DDJGnP7eU3
— K (@TheEekSqueak) March 3, 2015
.@netanyahu just secured the largest applause for @BarackObama in the House chamber that's happened since he was elected president
— David M. Drucker (@DavidMDrucker) March 3, 2015
@netanyahu "I deeply regret that some see my being here as politcal; never my intention." #NetanyahuSpeech
— Ron Cantor (@RonSCantor) March 3, 2015
@jimgeraghty Because The Crusades.
— Just Karl (@justkarl) March 3, 2015
At 12:30 House members who are boycotting the speech will give a press conference responding to the speech. Which they are boycotting.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) March 3, 2015
Boy, this speech that's so disrespectful of the president sure has a lot of praise for the president.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) March 3, 2015
"This Capitol dome built our iron dome." said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Watch live: http://t.co/EW6EinZAcF
— NYT First Draft (@nytpolitics) March 3, 2015
Bibi: The greatest danger in the world: Extreme Islam and nuclear weapons. We can't let that happen.
— The Israel Link (@TheIsraelink) March 3, 2015
“Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of Islam.” @netanyahu
— Kemberlee Kaye (@KemberleeKaye) March 3, 2015
Netanyhu compares Iran with ISIS. "Deadly game of thrones". Nice current reference. Again, Netanyhu is on his game today. #netanyahuspeech
— Sherman Frederick (@shermfrederick) March 3, 2015
Wow. Just wow. You can see why he has been such a successful leader. #NetanyahuSpeech
— Jazz Shaw (@JazzShaw) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu: Iran hangs gays, murders Christians – worse than even before.
— ASoldiersMother (@ASoldiersMother) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu's contrast between American and Iranian founding documents is so obvious, but stunning nonetheless.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu: Iran now dominates four Mideast capitals, and if it goes unchecked, more will surely follow. #NetanyahuSpeech
— Avi Mayer (@AviMayer) March 3, 2015
#NetanyahuSpeech: Under current deal, no nuclear installations would be dismantled. Breakout time 1 YR according to US, less according to us
— Arutz Sheva (@ArutzSheva_En) March 3, 2015
I don't agree with Bibi but this is a passionate, compelling, artful speech.
— Nicholas Burns (@RNicholasBurns) March 3, 2015
#NetanyahuSpeech and
#BibiSpeech trending worldwide.
— Anarcho-Zionist (@AnarchoZionist) March 3, 2015
#NetanyahuSpeech living up to the hype. This is a remarkably articulate and historical speech. And has more one-liners than late night tv
— Ryan Mauro (@RyanMauro) March 3, 2015
"This is a bad deal, a very bad deal. We're better off without it." Wow.
— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) March 3, 2015
How about one weekend — one weekend — when Friday prayer leaders don't lead chants of "Death to America" in Iran? #NetanyahuSpeech
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) March 3, 2015
The real target of this speech is Obama (and Kerry and Wendy Sherman), not Iran.
— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) March 3, 2015
“@WSJ: Netanyahu on Iran nuclear deal: http://t.co/uZavvizpMg #NetanyahuSpeech pic.twitter.com/8T3YiRsxlH”
— Jordan Sekulow (@JordanSekulow) March 3, 2015
'The days when the Jewish people remain passive in the face of genocidal enemies, THOSE DAYS ARE OVER.' [Massive applause] #NetanyahuSpeech
— Jonathan Hunter (@JHunters_Corner) March 3, 2015
This is what the Democrats feared. The speech is narrowly tailored, moderate and respectful.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) March 3, 2015
Bibi: The story of Israel is not just the story of the Jewish people, but of the human spirit that refuses to succumb to the world's horrors
— Lori LowenthalMarcus (@LoriLMarcus) March 3, 2015
There is nothing that Regime can say after @netanyahu speech, nothing, except support that won't make them look petty & childish.
— Lumbersexual Jew (@Trumandie28) March 3, 2015
Netanyahu: "May God bless the state of Israel, and may God bless the United States of America" http://t.co/i9GBedeyPt pic.twitter.com/305zE8MspO
— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 3, 2015
Meanwhile… as #BiBi spoke.. pic.twitter.com/FCMMCKTCf3
— Kelly (@KLSouth) March 3, 2015
Once again Obama proves his incredible political skill, creating this colossal platform for the world leader he detests the most.
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) March 3, 2015
Final standing ovation count – 24. 25 if you count standing ovation when he walked in…
— Gidon Shaviv (@GidonShaviv) March 3, 2015
Classy speech. Was kinda hoping for him to spill the Mossad beans on the WH, but, classy was probably the better choice.
— Film Ladd (@FilmLadd) March 3, 2015
7 out of 13 ppl in my @amtrak car were live streaming #NetanyahuSpeech. We clapped. We cheered and we watched proudly as Bib nailed it #PC15
— Daniel Kraus (@rabbidkraus) March 3, 2015
After listening to #NetanyahuSpeech boycotting Dems should hang heads in shame – yeah you >> @SenWhitehouse etc pic.twitter.com/Ld65Opev7g
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 3, 2015
A sign of success: @SenFeinstein blasted Bibi before #NetanyahuSpeech, now tells @Dana BashCNN: "I think it was a very powerful speech."
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) March 3, 2015
The White House is frustrated by a leader who relies primarily on rhetoric and bombast. https://t.co/j5d0Nmobch
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) March 3, 2015
Bibi gives major shout out 2 @SenatorReid which shows how partisan he is (not) http://t.co/HVq0thLdEu pic.twitter.com/Z7cfpC1Gw4
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 3, 2015

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“Militant Islam” is redundant. Islam, by definition, is militant. Bibi is being politically correct.
It’s so refreshing to see a real leader in action. It’s been so long … I’d almost forgotten.
Given that Clause 5, Section 1 of Article II of the Constitution is no longer operative, can we put Bibi in the White House for eight years?
How refreshing and uplifting to see Mia Love in congress.
If Tel-Aviv is nuked – no amount of USA will keep Israel from Retaliating.
If someone nukes Tel Aviv, something like 42% of the population of Israel will be dead.
M.A.D. and threatening to shoot back worked nicely for the U.S. because we had sane enemies and a large enough country that we’d still exist to shoot back after any realistic first attack.
Israel has neither.
Haile Selassie at the League of Nations. Barack Obama has ordained that fate for Bibi and Israel, Obama’s co conspirators and collaborators in the media will see to it that fate comes to pass, wittingly or unwittingly.
Iran has its deadline and that deadline is the date Obama leaves office to finish development of its nukes and use them against Israel or elsewhere because Obama will not respond to Iran’s use of nuclear weapons against anyone.
“Netanyahu has left the building.”
You’ve just heard from the de facto leader of the free world.
Netanyahu knows how to play the game. I have to wonder if Obama/Kerry know they’ve been called out?
They know. It’s why they’ve been whining about the speech ever since it was announced. I turned on MSNBC after the speech, and the whining continues — after the speech is praised.
A fresh Spring breeze kist blew into the capital today from Israel.
I will take an Israel Spring any day!
Thank you Mr. Netanyahu for bringing that fresh and clear breeze. What an awesome speech!
Spring, you say. When his disciples asked Jesus how they would know the end was near, Jesus replied “When the buds on the fig tree begin to swell, you know that Spring is near”
Israel came into existence in the month of May, about the time the buds on the fig tree begin to swell.
Wow. BAM. Oh, that’s gonna hurt. I’ll bet at least 100 congressional Democrats just quit supporting Obama’s Iran deal, at least in their heads and hearts, those who possess them, that is.
Meanwhile, back at the White House, Barack Obama is wearing a hole in the carpet, pacing in circles like an angry little terrier* and whining aloud about Mean Mister Netanyahu, who done just pissed all in his Kibbles ‘N Bits. Tears stream down his cheeks as he shrieks his frustrations.
“Why does HE get to make a speech everyone talks about, that everyone can’t wait to hear!”
“There, there, Bunky,” soothes Valerie Jarrett, following on his heels, patting his arm.
“It’s not fair! It’s.. it’s.. popularity inequality is what it is! Get me my pen! Now! They should love ME, not him, me, Me, ME! It’s just not fair! It’s not, it’s not, it’s not!”
At which time the light-footed and intellectually invisible Jen Psaki sneaks up behind the whining little puppy of a man, and jabs him in the neck with a needle and syringe full of sedatives.
LOL. It’s BIBI FEVER, America! Catch it today!
In defense of at least one LI commenter, the terrier in the satire is NOT a Jack Russell terrier.
That was a close call! Who knows what could have happened if you had not made that disclaimer.
Who will deliver the Iranian response?
John Kerry. He served in Viet Nam, you know.
Ah, Henry. I do so enjoy your comments. LOL
Thank you very much!
Valerie Jarrett.
Did I hear Bibi essentially say “thanks for sticking by us so far, and we hope you stick by us in the future too….but if not, we are going to do “it” alone”.??!!!
That is how I heard it.
Full transcript with only slight errors [e.g. plan instead of plane]
House Dems on Fox after Netanyahu talk remarks: “Go home! Return to your campaign! Get out of our country!”
That is exactly what he is saying.They will not abide by this deal if it is struck.That the world better put some pressure on Obama for a better deal or Israel will move on its own.Who can blame them ?
Boehner invited Bibi because this was the only way to get past the media on this vital issue.Now no one can say they didn’t know what was in this deal.Cheers.
Important points in the speech:
“Iran and ISIS are competing for the crown of militant Islam. One calls itself the Islamic Republic. The other calls itself the Islamic State. Both want to impose a militant Islamic empire first on the region and then on the entire world. They just disagree among themselves who will be the ruler of that empire.”
“when it comes to Iran and ISIS, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy.”
“if Iran threatens to walk away from the table — and this often happens in a Persian bazaar — call their bluff. They’ll be back, because they need the deal a lot more than you do.”
“If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it act like a normal country.”
When he compared the talks to a Persian Bazaar, I nearly choked on my coffee. It’s an apt comparison and if you’ve ever actually shopped in a Souk or Bazaar, you know just how out of their depth the Obama administration is. Their lack of understanding is why they get played ever single time… even as they’re declaring victory.
My 11 year-old son has been complaining that he doesn’t know what is going on in the world. So, we watched the speech. Now I have a freaked out 11 year old. The world is a dangerous place.
Bibi just laid waste to the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the ideology keeping Obama from stumbling over the truth. Whether its in the economic realm or the dangers confronting America, Obama uses a sympathetic media to spin fantasies that keep his follower fat, dumb and happy. The truth will set you free and Bibi just spoke it to a nation anesthetized by six years of lies and empty promises. Now let’s wait for the blow back because if there’s anything progressives won’t tolerate, it’s the antidote to the bilge they spew to seduce a gullible and naïve people who, quite frankly, want to be deceived rather than come to grips with reality.
I wonder how much credibility the democrat party continues with Jewish voters. By the reaction of the likes of Nancy Pelosi and others within the democrat party, these voters have to ask if Jew haters and anti-Semites are leading the modern democrat party.
I watched my local synagogue refuse to support the effort in Iraq, and then “demand” action in Darfur, afterward. I concluded that there are a lot of Jews who are simply unthinking Democrats.
Bibi just drove a cement truck over Obama’s Signature Foreign Policy Achievement.
What a pleasant thing to enjoy a speech again. Clear and concise with a minimum of boilerplate, and I did not have to play ‘catch the lies’ as I must with Obama speeches. A solid case made.
That is true, but there’s a narcissistic brat in the White House.
And he wants to “fundamentally transform” that America that stands with Israel.
Great job curating all those tweets, Ms Miller and Prof Jacobson. I really enjoy the color they add.
Netanyahu delivered about what I expected. It will change nothing. Obama, the first anti – American president, is determined that Iran will become a nuclear power. Obama is providing the cover Iran needs to complete its nuclear program without outside interference.
The real question is not what Israel will do. It is what will the Saudi’s do?