Remembering the anti-Semitic “pro-Palestinian” Paris riots of July 2014

Paris anti Israel protester flag

The attack by radical Islamists at the Paris Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket left four hostages dead, plus one of the gunmen.The Hyper Cacher supermarket attack appears to have been coordinated with the two men who killed 12 at Charlie Hebdo.The specter of widespread anti-Semitism on the streets of Paris is nothing new. It has been fueled not only by centuries-old hatreds, but by the more modern Islamist, “anti-Zionist” and BDS movements whose hatred of Israel is obsessive and dehumanizing.

Below are a couple of videos from the assaults on Jewish sections of Paris and a Synagogue during “pro-Palestinian” riots last summer over the Gaza conflict.

See also several of my posts (some of the videos in the posts have gone bad):

More photos of ‘Pro Palestinian’ mob attacking synagogue in Paris right now

In Paris, and Malmo, and Copehagen, and Berlin, Frankfurt, The Hague, and London, … and Miami and Boston, anti-Semitic violence is always around the corner, and on the streets, and in the subways and buses.

It didn’t start with the Hyper Cacher supermarket, and it won’t end there.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, Charlie Hebdo, France, Gaza, Israel, Malmö Sweden