Texas women running away from Wendy Davis

It’s been a while since we’ve focused on the Texas Governor race between Wendy Davis and Greg Abbott.

Davis’ now-infamous fudging of her personal narrative and Gumby-like political posturing stopped whatever momentum she might have had in its tracks:

Polling by major firms has shown Abbott with a double digit lead, compared to Abbott’s single digit lead last summer and early fall.

PPP just released a poll consistent with the other polling:

PPP’s newest Texas poll finds Republicans leading by double digits in all of the state’s major races for 2014.In the Governor’s race Greg Abbott’s at 51% to 37% for Wendy Davis. Those numbers are largely unchanged from our last poll of the state in early November when Abbott had a 50/35 advantage. Davis had a 39/29 favorability rating right after her famous filibuster last June, but since then voters in the state have mostly moved toward having negative opinions about her and now she’s at a 33/47 spread. Davis’ name recognition is actually 12 points higher than Abbott’s, but his reviews break down favorably with 40% having a positive view of him to 27% with a negative one.

As Logan Churchwell points out at Breitbart.com, Davis even is losing among female voters, 49-41 percent. 

Here are some PPP internals that Davis has a net negative favorability with women, in comparison to Abbott who has net positive favorability:



Time to stick a fork in the Davis campaign? Abandon ship?

Tags: Wendy Davis