Looks like Scott Brown running for Senate in NH
Burning Question: What does this mean for Legal Insurrection?

Much speculation today, apparently confirmed by Fox News:
Fox News has confirmed that former senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has told the network that he will file an exploratory committee for the New Hampshire Senate race.
His contract with the network has been canceled, as is standard practice for candidates for office.
“Scott Brown’s contributor agreement was officially terminated today once he notified Fox News of his intention to form an exploratory committee to run for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire,” Fox News executive vice president of programming Bill Shine said.
Is it for real, or just exploratory?
Several people involved in the discussions about Brown’s future said some in the GOP establishment remain skeptical, given the former Republican senator’s recent track record. Brown, 54, angered Massachusetts Republicans last year after indicating he would run in the state’s special U.S. Senate election, only to change his mind late in the process.
“He’s been reaching out to opinion leaders, to grass-roots activists, getting a sense of, `Would you be supporting a Scott Brown campaign?”‘ said former New Hampshire Rep. Frank Guinta, who is running again for Congress and was included in Brown’s outreach efforts. “That, to me, says he’s serious. But I think only Scott Brown knows if Scott Brown is going to run.”
If Brown runs, I don’t know if we’ll cover the race the way we did in 2010, when we were the first and almost the only one giving him a chance against Martha Coakley, and we turned the blog “all Scott Brown, all the time” as the rest of the internet caught on. Our election night coverage and celebration was epic.
And then we said Bye-Bye Brown as his Senate performance and positions disappointed.
Only to get sucked back into the 2012 campaign against Warren when her fake Indian status surfaced. We ended up driving many of the issues in that race, although I don’t think there was anything that was going to stop Massachusetts from electing Warren, not even had she driven drunk and left a girl to die like the namesake of the Kennedy Seat.
Jim Geraghty has early analysis of the race against Jeanne Shaheen.
So if Brown runs in NH, what does it mean for Legal Insurrection?
Resist we much.
Update: It’s official official —
Scott Brown's annoucenment: http://t.co/Pyd1Eh8BsX Heavy on Obamacare, heavy on his deep New Hampshire roots.
— Logan Dobson (@LoganDobson) March 14, 2014
Here’s the audio from Red Mass Group:
No surprise that Brown will run against Obamacare. That’s what got him elected in 2010. The issue was pretty much taken off the table in 2012 because of Romney’s Romneycare problem.
If ever there were a year to run against Obamacare, this is it.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Regrets…we’ve had a few.
Promote candidates that promote what you (and presumably most of us) value. Hold-your-nose-and-pull-the-lever voting hasn’t worked out very well of late. One man can change the course we’re on. The effects of Ronald Reagan lasted close to 30 years. One man. We don’t know which office or candidate may turn out to be pivotal, but we do know what we value, and need to vote for those who hold those same values.
Brown? He had his chance.
Expect little; you won’t be disappointed.
A NH Brown will be the same as a MA Brown.
But would NH, and projecting, the country, want a continuation of Shaheen?
It matters much less who is actually in the Senate vs. who actually controls the gavel. Scott Brown will not vote for Harry Reid for Majority Leader. Therefore, he is worthy of our support.
In contrast to a “sophisticated” state like NY, I doubt that NH is well-disposed toward carpetbaggers.
I’ll be surprised if Brown wins and I wonder why he’s running. Maybe, per the post, it’s part of a GOP plan to divert Democrat resources (which means that Republican analysis indicates Brown has a chance). What does Brown get for this probably fruitless uphill climb? Perhaps a federal judgeship in the next GOP administration?
Carpetbagger? Good grief. NH and MA are practically sister states. Many in NH proudly admit they are where sane Bay Staters move who finally tire of the looniness from the left in MA.
Brown most likely has a much better chance of winning in NH than in MA. The money spent in MA by Dems, especially outside Dems, will always dwarf that by Republicans. But in NH that almost guarantees retaliation voting. New Hampshirites have a tendency to not like too much outside meddling.
Given his abysmal voting record, voting down the line with Democrats on nearly every vote, I don’t like him. Since he isn’t staunchly Conservative, I don’t like him.
Can’t NH do better? He may (barely) be better than Shaheen, but really?!
I think he and his wife just wants to get back to DC to mingle and hob-knob with the cocktail crowd………..
I bet Brown will become somewhat more conservative on some matters if he wins a NH Senate seat. Especially in an regular election.
His problem before was he was too focused on trying to win his full election after the special election in a state where Dems were spending money non-stop to try and unseat him. Starting the day he was elected.
Of course, anyone who doesn’t like politicians who act like politicians will still find fault with that kind of behavior (changing their positions once in office). But even the Rand Pauls and the Marco Rubios are guilty of it.
He’ll be as self-righteously squishy as ever.
I sent him money in 2010 in an effort to prevent the dems from having 60 votes for Ocare.
I still don’t know how it still passed.
No more on him. That was strictly a tactical move.
Seems old Scotty boy has gotten the taste of the good life in Washington DC.
Anyone who votes for this willow in the wind deserves a thrashing.
As Mr. Buckley reminds us, “vote for the most conservative candidate electable.”
If there’s a more conservative person than Mr. Brown who can beat Shaheen, great, otherwise Mr. Brown will do.
I’m sure Brown can count on ample assistance from establishment Libpublicans.
I’m actually disappointed to hear this. NH has turned into MA light because of all the MA residents fleeing the high-tax state. Then these same idiots vote for the bad policies that screwed up MA in the first place.
The last thing the “Live Free or Die” State needs is another RINO in office. MA keep this boob. NH can do much better. We want “conservatives” running. Not dem-lights.