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April 2013

I've been bugging all of you to get on social media, particularly Twitter. Twitter in particular is how conservative bloggers and pundits communicate with each other and is one of the primary sources from which we get news items and stories to write about.  Facebook --...

From Linda: Wondered if this one would make the cut. Lowes parking lot Nashville TN ...

Not a big surprise, but when the well-monied Machine candidates win, and a rebel loses, it's always a disappointment. Robin Kelly won the Special Election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr. by a wide margin. In other words, no real political change, another down the line Democratic party...

This is too funny. Drudge is live broadcasting the concert at The White House, dubbed Sequester Soul. I don't think I've ever seen Drudge embed a live video. Too bad the children aren't allowed in. You can watch it there, or here [party now over, here are some screenshots]: ...

Nice compilation from ShePac. Includes several of the longer videos we ran yesterday, Margaret Thatcher dies, RIP Iron Lady. ...

I have a confession to make:  I am a woman who is vexed by today's feminists. For example, just because Margaret Thatcher wasn't a "social justice warrior" as one of the most influential Western leaders during one of the most formative times in the modern era,...

The special election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr. is Tuesday, and Tuesday we will ascertain what one grassroots campaign, with the help of a few conservative blogs like this one and little else, can do to fight The Machine. We've covered Republican candidate Paul McKinley, who...

Earlier today Prof Jacobson noted the passing former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. What I remember most about her was a speech she gave in 1985 to the American Bar Association in which she argued against giving terrorists the "oxygen of publicity." The more open our society,...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco .. twitter@afbranco  ...

1) The language of concessions The Washington Post reports Kerry presses Israel and Palestinians for concessions to pave way for peace talks: Kerry first visited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who has resisted new talks for most of the past four years. His government had sought to file...