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March 2013

Was traveling most of the day and then meetings. I hear Syria has gone from worse to worser, and Egypt is not far behind. By morning Eastern time we may know if Cyprus implodes financially. Any good news? Tomorrow night is the first night of Passover.  Seems like good timing...

Cyprus has certainly shaken up the world. Our Congress is now addressing concerns over the European Union demands that a percentage of Cypriot deposits be seized before it bails-out the banks on the Mediterranean island.  There are reports that Cyprus still may seize bank accounts, but...

A planned AFL-CIO rally for today to defend Saturday mail delivery may have been a bit premature after the  Government Accountability Office is claiming that the USPS cannot, by law, cut mail delivery to fewer than 6 days. Bloomberg News reports: The service is bound by law...

A $5 million, 400-foot pedestrian bridge recently unveiled in Brooklyn, NY, is turning into a blue vs. blue sparring match. Liberal site Gothamist's negative review of the "bouncy zig-zag structure" is at odds with the positive reviews from the New York Times, which reported that it...

1) The apology The Washington Post reported Obama ends Israel visit by brokering end to dispute with Turkey: Prodded by President Obama, Israel and Turkey agreed Friday to end a three-year rift caused by a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish ship bound for Gaza, a...

We have reported  in the past on the U.S. State Department's willful silence about imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been held in Iran since last September for "evangelizing" and therefore "threatening national security." The American Center for Law and Justice's Jay Sekulow has...

Last week, we took a look at 2 graphic debunking recent climate change hysteria. Recently, even more evidence was presented by British scientist David Whitehouse, the Science Editor of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Despite the organization's name, Whitehouse's group held firm that their data indicate...

I normally don't run bumper stickers circulating by email or on Facebook. It's probably fake, but the reaction is real. From John in Washington State: I'm not sure if this bumper (window?) sticker is for real, but it looks like something that will give many of us headaches,...

They can sit in the dark for Earth Hour, we'll spend the hour celebrating the modern world, starting 8:30 p.m. local time everywhere...

Chuck Todd went a little overboard when he asked a series of questions at the Obama-Netanyahu press conference. Worse yet, the questions were not softballs for Obama to hit out of the park: He even caught flak from the big guy (no, not Chris Christie): The mockery of Todd's performance gave rise to the #ChuckToddQuestions hashtag on Twitter, where numerous Obama supporters suggested Todd was motivated by Obama being black:

Pat Austin at And So It Goes In Shreveport is one of my favorite bloggers.  I am a big fan of hers. Pat was part of the Not One Red Cent group which launched Marco Rubio's primary challenge against Charlie Crist.  I have communicated with her pretty...

I caught part of this rant live, and wasn't sure what it was about. Beckel going off again. But this time he's right. Video via Common Cents: But compare to his defensiveness over Hanoi Jane: ...

The Red Tape Tower is making the rounds, via NRO: A tower of 20,000 pages of Obamacare regulations, wrapped in a neat red ribbon and first unveiled publicly by Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell at last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference, made its way to the...

Via Wapo, Past due student loans multiply: While student loans are growing as a part of the total consumer debt balance in the United States, they are still a small part. But they are now leading among loans that are 90 days or more past due. ...

We have videos: “Great Vagina Man” shouts down pro-life speaker at U. Waterloo (Video) Student suspended for complaining about “Stomp on Jesus” Prof (Video) Video – A Brief History of Censorship on Campus (Video) Prager U.: The President Who Shrank Government (Video) Oregon law professor loses job after attack on students (Video) Don't you love it...