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January 2013

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. There could be no more appropriate time to reflect on Martin Luther King's words than Inauguration Day, when the man who...

There is a fascinating discussion of gun control at Eudaimonia blog. I don't know who the author is, but the really, really loooong A Few Thoughts On Gun Control is well worth the read. It is chock full of interesting images and charts like this one: and this and...

I'll use this as my own inauguration day, spending the day thinking about what we can do better. I have not given in to all the doom and gloom, although it's hard not to.  There is a deliberate effort to declare the Republican Party, conservatives, and...

The Lower Hudson Journal News infamously published a list of licensed gun permit holders in two counties in New York, including names and home addresses. The reaction included retaliatory publication of Journal News staff home addresses and phone numbers, widespread condemnation even from other journalists, and ultimately,...

From "D" in Rahm-town: I saw this sign yesterday outside a church in Obama's old neighborhood, one block from the University of Chicago campus. No matter how you interpret it, we are up against a lot of Kool-Aid drinkers. Keep up your fine work.  ...

I can't imagine why GWB would want to miss Obama's 2nd Inauguration Really, it's hard to understand. I mean, really....

Advocates of gun control and liberal pundits generally disparaged the notion that David Gregory even possibly was subjected to criminal prosecution for violation of the D.C. gun law by possessing a high-capacity ammunition magazine on television. The non-prosecution was declared the only reasonable conclusion, and those of us...

British MEP Daniel Hannan delivered an electrifying take down of the central tenets of the Occupy movement during a debate about the movement at the Young Britons' Foundation this week. Hannan described the bank bailouts, which have led to a landscape now filled with "zombie banks,...

And still be right. Via Ed Driscoll: In the illustration above, the Newsweek cover on the left was mocked-up by the Photoshop artists at National Review to accompany a 2009 satire by Rob Long titled, “A Conversation from Heaven,” regarding what Bernard Goldberg might call Newsweek’s “Slobbering...

Obama wants Israel to go back to the pre-1967 borders, and he's squarely placed the blame on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not being willing to go along. I addressed this the other day in my post, Obama’s interference in Israel’s election. Now Netanyahu is speaking...

The left-blogosphere is joyous because there were accidental shootings at gun shows and events for Gun Appreciation Day. Really, they're putting the full snark on, because nothing says "suspend the 2nd Amendment" like accidental shootings:   There's something much more dangerous. Rock concerts, which have a sordid history of serious...

I didn't get the pants reference at first.  Now I get it.  This sounds like a possible threat to human rights. From frequent photographer 9th District Neighhor: I photographed this proud Second Amendment supporter in a Walmart parking lot in Mount Prospect, IL. In addition to this sticker,...

Today is Gun Appreciation Day. We aren't following it the way we did with Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day or Empty Chair Day. But a reader did to go the Jacksonville Gun Show today, and sent in the following comment, photos and video. One hour wait to get in the gun show! Also,...

That's how many Twitter followers we have as of this writing for Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, respectively. If you are not on Twitter, you need to be.  It's easy, you can use the same fake name you use here. Then you can follow @LegInsurrection and @CollegeInsurrec. While...

In College Insurrection, I recently covered a story showing that North Dakota universities were about the only higher education institutions in the country expecting increased funding.  These revenues are courtesy of the state's recent oil boom. This is one example of how oil shale may prove...

I'm definitely seeing a trend here. Sex Massive student ‘orgy’ centerpiece of campus “Sex-Ed Week” U. Missouri offers “Sibling Incest in Theory and Literature” Female Students Turning to “Sugar Daddies” to Pay for School Are Some Liberal Academics Attempting to Normalize Pedophilia? Students File Sexual Assault Complaint at UNC UNC Student: Sexual...