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November 2012

Trying to get as many of the reader photos out as possible before the election, since they have expiration dates. This is from commenter LukeHandCool: My wife took this picture of a Romney banner on one of the fraternities at USC when she was dropping off clothes...

A new video from the National Republican Congressional Committee. Features two of our Operation Counterweight candidates. ...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

Averaging turnout models over the last four 2-year cycles, gets different results in the polling than the doom being peddled by Operation Demoralize. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but given that Operation Demoralize is in full swing, anything that keeps spirits up for...

I previously posted about the pro-Republican  television ad being run by Thomas Peterffy with his own money.  I also posted about the Mini-PAC running ads on cable television in black areas of Ohio. I've noticed a number of people taking direct action, putting their own money...

by Chris Christie.  We need to focus on getting out the vote big time.  Sandy has been the perfect political storm for Obama.  It's like calling three consecutive time outs before we were about to kick the winning field goal. We care about New Jersey and the...

and I am outraged. Spotted this bumper sticker in the Wegmans parking lot in Ithaca. I think you can guess what the other bumper sticker on the car was. ...