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April 2012

for us. Rasmussen Reports, Supreme Court’s Ratings Jump Following Health Care Hearings: Just before the highly publicized hearing on the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care law, ratings for the U.S. Supreme Court had fallen to the lowest level ever measured by Rasmussen Reports. Now, following the...

There has been a lot of attention paid to Arby's announcement that it no longer would advertise on the Limbaugh show. It was particularly interesting because Arby's did not advertise to begin with, so it purely was a political statement, and was the subject of a...

Back in '08, you thought he was gonna change it and rearrange it, he was gonna change the world. Now, a little progress is good enough. Spotted in Ithaca: ...

the intertubes in and around Sanford, Florida, heavily armed with knowledge, facts, and skepticism, seeking to protect citizens regardless of race, creed, or color, from race-hustlers, race-haters, 15-minutes of fame seekers, jump-on-the-story journalists, bully bloggers, and web-traffic pumpers. Thanks to the 280+ Facebook sharers and 1800+ Twitters...

The Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate in Egypt may not be the most anti-Israel of the candidates running: Last weekend’s announcement by Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood that it will field a presidential candidate, Khairat Shater, has drastically impacted the run-up to May’s elections. But his position on Israel...

On March 11, Nicky Larson wrote a column for The Independent (Ireland) hitting on virulent anti-Israel sentiment in Ireland: I used to hate Israel. I used to think the Left was always right. Not any more. Now I loathe Palestinian terrorists. Now I see why Israel...

From reader Dr. Dave: One of the sights on my recent Key West vacation. Could not walk by without taking a picture of this for you. Of course, the topper is on the dashboard. Read and enjoy your blog every day. ...

Responsibility (h/t reader Danelle): There's no such thing as a free lunch, at least not at the Rescue Mission of El Paso. The Rescue Mission, at 1949 W. Paisano, is now charging $1.50 for each lunch and dinner. Breakfast remains free. "Certainly the budget is tight, but that's...

No one could have seen this coming. Via The Jerusalem Post: Palestinian Authority security forces in the West Bank arrested over the weekend a Palestinian blogger who launched a Facebook campaign under the title "The people want an end to corruption." The arrest of Jamal Abu Rihan is...

The latest wildfire spreading through the media and blogosphere is that armed neo-Nazis are patrolling Sanford, FL, in anticipation of trouble if George Zimmerman is not charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin.  In what has become a prime example of media malpractice, none of...

Operation Counterweight is just taking shape for 2012.  Redistricting has slowed down my process of identifying House races. But in the Senate, I'm focused on Richard Mourdock's primary challenge to Dick Lugar, and Barry Hinckley's general election challenge to Sheldon Whitehouse. As you know, the theory behind Operation...

Not taking responsibility (h/t reader Tony): More about Arby's here. If you are on Twitter, you can reach Arby's at @arbys, or at its Facebook page, or at its Contact page. There's probably not much we can do to prevent cowardly companies from giving into boycott threats, except to...

If Obamacare were a Red Solo Cup and in Texas, it would look something like this vehicle. From reader Chris in Dripping Springs, Texas: Professor, I read your site daily and thought you might like these. Filling up at a local gas station (paying $4 a gallon) and...

Their War On Women Moe Lane updates on the Susan G. Komen Foundation's fundraising problems resulting from the left-wing boycott of Komen after Komen dropped sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, but then caved in to pressure and let go a top executive: The first explanation is that pro-choice...

What should have been a two-bit, one-day, not-really-scandal involving photos Dani Gilbert, the new DNC liason to the Jewish community, took a few years back is turning into something much more.  By all appearances, Debbie Wasserman Schultz gave a payoff to big Dem donors by giving their daughter...

CEI has published a study about private property laws in outer space by Rand Simberg, one of the best people qualified to write on the topic. In sum, Simberg claims that the U.S. should recognize claims on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids and gives a loose foundation for...