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March 2012

You can't be Syriaus. From frequent photographer Bill, who spotted this in Tampa, FL: (Note: No drones were used in the taking of this photograph)...

Greetings from the Lone Star State, where it's cold and rainy (in Dallas). Because of pre-travel, travel, meetings, etc., I am unable to provide you with the usual searing insight into the human condition, just links: If chanting USA! USA! USA! is racist, what is chanting Si...

Over the last past twenty years or so, states have been strengthening the “Castle Doctrine” affording homeowners’ greater protection when they use deadly force against invaders. It is common sense that when one is in one’s home and an intruder appears one can resort to deadly...

While I lived in London this past summer, I became more acquainted with The Adam Smith Institute - a fine libertarian think tank based in London. I usually read their blog, which is pretty euro-centric, and reading it really highlights the differences between the two...

One week agao, on Saturday night, March 3, 2012, Carbonite announced its decision to break off relations with its key radio endorser.  It appears to have been a fateful decision. From Chuck Jaffe at MarketWatch, Don’t ‘rush’ to Carbonite shares (h/t commenter Eliot Ness): When Carbonite Inc. stock took...

Monckton’s Schenectady showdown, h/t reader John: As they filed in, Lord Monckton was chatting contentedly to a quaveringly bossy woman with messy blonde hair who was head of the college environmental faction. Her group had set up a table at the door of the auditorium, covered...

Don't say you didn't see it coming. Thanks to reader John, who writes: Seen this afternoon on an SUV in Chantilly, VA. ...

A slew of new polls have recently been released showing that the Presidential campaign in the southern states is essentially a dead heat. Newt Gingrich appears to have a tenuous lead over the other candidates but, in almost every poll, he is within the statistical...

This week my Facebook feed was littered with postings about KONY, the latest viral "activist" movement to sweep the web. A brief recap: a charity called "Invisible Children" launched a video campaign to bring about awareness of Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony. The #stopkony campaign has been trending...

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of sitting in on a lecture given by Dr. Richard Baer, professor emeritus of environmental ethics and education, at an event hosted by the Cornell Republicans. Baer spoke at length about how, in their rush to ensure that they're not promoting religious...

Probably not a good idea to make decisions which could alter the course of company history on a Saturday night. Will Carbonite become the next Sleep Train, and attempt to regain access to Limbaugh's audience? Via Instapundit, Rush said no to Sleep Train and probably would...

From University of Rochester (NY) Professor Stephen E. Landsburg, a blisteringly refreshing view of Sandra Fluke, Rush to Judgment (via Althouse h/t Instapundit): But while Ms. Fluke herself deserves the same basic respect we owe to any human being, her position — which is what’s at issue here...

They are concentrating on the coasts.  And they are for real, unlike their targets. From reader Philip: Here is another one Prof. This was in the local supermarket parking lot. San Diego is turning hard left and it might be time for me and the Mrs. to...

A new service from Michelle Malkin and team, which I noticed because they twitched (twitchy-ed / twitchied ?) me today. Scandal at The Washington Post: Fraud, Lobbying & Insider Trading. "If we don't do better among Latinos, we are not going to be talking about how to...

There's another "victim" of Rush Limbaugh, according to Adam Clark Estes at The Atlantic Wire, Rush Limbaugh's Latest Verbal Victim Feels Derided, Dismissed: Less than a week after calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" on the air, Rush Limbaugh ran his mouth again on Tuesday, calling investigative...

I'm all in favor of wind energy.  If it works, do it.  But the notion that windmills will be anything more than a small aspect of electricity production is blowing smoke. I previously highlighted the problem in Britain, where wind turbine owners are paid not to...