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January 2011

Nicole Gelinas of the Manhattan Institute had a really great post on The Corner yesterday concerning the recent deal between Goldman Sachs and Facebook. Gelinas analyzes the situation very well, but fails to ask a key question: why isn't Facebook going public? Why bother with...

One of the deals worked out in the lame duck session was the confirmation of 19 judicial nominees without action on four controversial nominees, including Goodwin Liu and John J. "Jack" McConnell.As reported by AP (h/t Senatus):President Barack Obama on Wednesday resubmitted a batch of federal...

One of Linc Chafee's key campaign promises in running for Governor was to rescind an executive order in Rhode Island which required vendors doing business with state agencies to use the federal E-Verify system to verify the immigration status of employees, and directing the state police...

The State of Ithaca, NY, has been the subject of multiple posts here, reflecting on what it is like living in "10 Square Miles Surrounded By Reality."One question I frequently hear is, "Is there a Tea Party in Ithaca?"The answer is, yes there is, and thanks...

What do you think?[youtube=]The happiest person in the room?  Mitch McConnell.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

It was announced yesterday that "Federal prosecutors [have] opened a criminal probe into allegations sanitation workers conspired to paralyze [New York City] in last week's blizzard, sources said." The investigation falls on the heels of a disastrous cleanup effort from public servants in New...

The mainstream media will undertake, and already has undertaken, a concerted effort to blame the Republican House for everything that goes wrong, for not living up to promises, for living up to promises, for failing to compromise, for selling out, etc.Do not fall for it.  Holding the...

Ms. Speaker, tear down that nameplate:Here is an image of the doorway in happier (for Pelosi) days.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Think Progress is a frequent focus here because it is one of the best/worst (depending on your perspective) manipulator of news in the interest of the Obama administration and Democrats.  Think Progress famously was caught creating a misleading anti-Tea Party video.In my experience, Think Progress...

There are all these websites tracking high profile opinion makers like ...

I will not mention the entity whose name is banned from these pages by popular vote, even though it appears that at least one of its branches doesn't even want to use its name anymore.I merely will quote an article (emphasis mine):The Coffee Party Ithaca Area changed...

At least one Democrat, and possibly several, are expected to vote in favor of the House bill to repeal Obamacare.So will the media refer to the repeal bill as "bipartisan"?  Or does that description only apply when a handful of Republicans break ranks to join with Democrats?--------------------------------------------Follow...

There are some topics I only want to cover once: President Obama being elected, Nancy Pelosi being named Speaker of the House, etc. etc.There are some topics, however, that I can't get enough of reading about, and insane conspiracy theories involving Israeli trained attack animals...

I previously asked you to tell me about Tim Pawlenty, and I learned a lot.Mitch Daniels also is presented as a conservative with the credentials to unite the base with the establishment without a lot of negatives (other than being conservative, of course).So tell me...

Mr. Get-In-Their-Faces is complaining about divisive and partisan Republicans:President Obama, returning to Washington from his Christmas vacation in Hawaii, urged House and Senate GOP leaders to put partisan politics aside in the name of working to boost the economy.The president said onboard Air Force One...

More dumbed-down talk about the Constitution from Tea Parties liberal columnists, this time Amanda Terkel (formerly of Think Progress) writing at HuffPo with the headline:Scalia: Women Don't Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination Gee, Scalia must hate women.Except that the headline is a good example of a...