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#DemExit Clinton Protests that DNC Tried to Hide

#DemExit Clinton Protests that DNC Tried to Hide

California delegate posts revealing video detailing paid seat fillers, white noise machines, and protest t-shirts.

Yesterday, the real story of Day #3 of the Democratic Party convention was the organized, outside demonstrations in which delegates and other progressives decried the #DNCLeak and Hillary Clinton’s rigged nomination.

As I suspected, Bernie Sanders’ delegates did have something special planned for Day #4 and Clinton’s formal acceptance address. And so did Democratic Party operatives, who worked hard to prevent protests, disruptions and distractions.

Eden McFadden, a Sanders delegate from California district 34 in Los Angeles, posted a shocking, pre-event video that captures the tactics implemented to ensure a Clinton success.

During the filming, McFadden reveals that:

    • The party had hired paid seat-fillers, to ensure that the convention hall would be filled during Clinton’s speech.
    • Operatives had reserved big blocks of seats in what McFadden described as the “rabble rouser” sections…especially Oregon, California and Vermont.  It appears the goal might have been to prevent Sanders delegates from congregating together.
    • As they arrived for the evening’s speeches, the Californians were told that nobody was being seated yet, and kept them back from the hall longer than many other delegations.  When they entered, the Sanders delegates discovered that hired seat-fillers or party officials/interns were already seated in prime areas, blocking out 10-surrounding seats for approved viewers.  In fact, one delegate (Jose Caballero from district 53 in San Diego) had gotten up, then returned to find his seat already taken. He was visibly frustrated with the tactic.

But the real kicker: White noise machines were installed above the areas in which swaths of Sanders delegates were likely to be found.

McFadden provided further details in a follow-up interview.

McFadden said when confronting the alleged seat-fillers and trying to take pictures and videos, the unknown people sitting in delegates’ seats quickly left without making a scene.

“It didn’t get much talking to them to get them to leave,” McFadden said. “We ripped the ‘reserved’ signs down and sat down, because these seats are for elected delegates, and nobody from the DNC tried to tell us we couldn’t be there.”

McFadden told US Uncut she talked to Sanders delegates from New York, Oregon, and Washington, who all relayed similar stories of the DNC trying to remove seats from more rebellious state delegations.

The whole approach is laughable when you consider that the “authentic” Hillary Clinton was suppose to be featured during this phase of the presidential roll-out.

What the dinosaurs of the Democratic Party did not anticipate is that the millennials who have been enthusiastic Sanders voters had a few tricks up their sleeves. McFadden’s use of video and social media was one example. Additionally, if you looked closely at the audience, you might have noticed about 700 yellow-green shirts.

These shirts were worn by the #DemExit activists, and the color was selected so that the couldn’t be green-screened into something else. I kept an eye on those pockets of chartreuse in the hall:

Apparently, Democratic operatives also thought that the phony chanting to cover up the heckling would not be noticed.

I think the best moment of McFadden’s video came at minute 9:00, when sparks flew out of some overhead equipment. Surely, that should have been an omen!

How well did this contain-and-control approach work? Not very. For example, the heckling was noticed.

The California delegate walked out mid-speech.

And many Democrats formally changed their party affiliation this week, deeply upset at the corrupt candidate who was nominated by a rigged system.



The most shocking aspect of Clinton’s address?

Thanks heaven the nominating phase of Election 2016 has ended!

Brace Yourselves November is Coming


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Yep. The GOPe did suppression a LOT better…!!!

Not sure she gave the speech for free.

If she wins, we’ll be paying for it the next four years…or more.

Well, the dems have convinced all those snotflakes that the dems care about them, only to find out that everything they have been told by those dems turns out to be one big fat lie.

Just as I noted on an earlier thread today the pretentious Queer Pierre carrion bird landed & deposited a load 4 times so far here on this thread. With his overbearing ego & irresistible need to be noticed he just can’t help himself. He even got in the initial comment.

The question now becomes will he as usual try to get in the final word as well?

Common Sense | July 29, 2016 at 2:20 pm

Democratic fascism plain and simple!

I guess there are a lot of Bernie supporters who won’t vote for Crooked Hillary!

“White noise machines”.


And “psychic projectors” to induce paranoia, too, no doubt.

Or perhaps just spurious accusations; not unknown in D’rat territory.

So what happened to the Sandersnista super-weapon, the Fart-In? They were making big noises about that a few days ago.

    Anchovy in reply to tom swift. | July 29, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    What’s White Noise? Is that something like Lawrence Welk?

      heyjoojoo in reply to Anchovy. | July 29, 2016 at 3:22 pm

      Lol. I like Lawrence Welk and I’m black noise.

      RodFC in reply to Anchovy. | July 29, 2016 at 5:48 pm

      There are two ways of making noice cancelling headphones. One is to pack a lot of soundproofing material around the headphones. The other is to sample ambient sound and use “counter noise” to change that sound into white noise.

      White noise is basically sound that is the same intensity over all frequencies so that it is filtered out by the brain. These machines sample the noise and add frequencies that are largely missing.

      They are called white, because white is actually an equal mixture of all colors.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Anchovy. | July 30, 2016 at 2:25 am

      Stan Kenton