You can’t sacrifice just some rights
without putting them all at risk.

The NRA’s Freedom’s Safest Place series of videos is excellent. So far, we’ve run posts about three of the videos:
- Charlie Daniels has a message for the Ayatollahs
- You can go Huge, but never go Hugo
- New NRA Freedom Ad Features WWII Survivor
The video below came out a month ago, but I just saw it:
I’m a mom, a business owner and a patriot. But I am not a politician.
A few years ago I founded a nonprofit to defend voters’ rights and stop election fraud. We exposed corruption—so the corrupters wanted me silenced.
The IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA and a U.S. Congressman turned my life upside-down. Their investigations were invasive, abusive, relentless … and political.
They demanded every social media message I had ever posted, the name of every group I had ever spoken to, and every word I spoke. I was supposed to give up.
But I am not a victim. I am an American, and I will not stand by and watch while our freedoms are picked off. An attack on one right is an attack on every right.
So I fight.
I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m Freedom’s Safest Place.
In case you were wondering, the woman is Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote.

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Millennials need to her this message! Where is her safe place? Where is our safe place? In the Constitution.
I’ve seldom seen anything Elizabeth Price Foley wrote that was just rank stupidity, but she sure got off some today.
America isn’t about some amorphous nationalism. It never was, nor can it ever be and remain what it started out being.
It was all about ideals. Or “ideology” if you’re trying to deprecate the ideal of ideals.
IF you are a patriot, it’s because you hove to the ideals in the Constitution and the Declaration, not because you are “nationalist”. The former is what makes America exceptional. The latter you’ll find in Mother Russia.
America is a particular people with a shared heritage, culture, history, and law.
We have ideals, but our ideals reflect ourselves as a people.
The Constitution was birthed by a people, not a set of ideals.
You can read some of what the late Lawrence Auster had to say on this topic over at
“We have ideals, but our ideals reflect ourselves as a people.
The Constitution was birthed by a people, not a set of ideals.”
This is a contradictory statement. You are saying, in effect, that our ideals were put aside (or we made them null and void) so that we could just be “people” and then write a Constitution. Or simply, people and their ideals are discontinuous and not one and the same.
As I recall, the Constitution was birthed by a people who at that time ideated our core document based on the Magna Carta and Scripture and from what they considered to be the best attributes of the French Revolution as well as the best qualities of classical Greek and Roman political thinking.
The framers of the Constitution, the “people”, came together with their ideals, ideals which they believed to have stood the test of time and formed these ideals into the Constitution. The framers understood that this document would become the core guidance document for the new nation and should include the best thinking available, otherwise known as ideals.
America was founded on the radical IDEA that people have inalienable rights – rights that neither the government nor their neighbors can’t take away.
“I’ve seldom seen anything Elizabeth Price Foley wrote that was just rank stupidity”
You must not read her regularly. I had to just quit; I can get nonsense from Slate or other leftist sites on demand.
Unfortunately Rags, I think she is correct for the average voter. They’re not as wacked out as Mr. Britt and Co. But they make judgments on more simplistic and much less ideological grounds than we would hope. And the constant noise from big media just muddies the water enough.
This is from recent contact with a lot of potential voters in a crucial primary state.
That’s one heck of an ad.
I suggest that Rags and Zach are both correct: if you think this through it’s about ideals. If you’re a “low-information voter” — not stupid, not ignorant, but just a person who focuses on other areas of life than politics — then indeed the judgments are made on a simple basis. For them, “America” works just fine.
What I like about this ad is that it combines, in a nice, subliminal way, both approaches. There’s enough specifics there about exactly which ideals are being trampled. But even if you don’t do the inside baseball stuff, you recognize that America is being threatened.
One heck of an ad.
Don’t underestimate the relative value of any of our rights. All are quite necessary for a free society. Take trial by jury in civil action, for example. It causes us quite a bit of trouble due to unscrupulous attorneys & greedy fakers, but it is absolutely essential to a free society. It’s the guarantee of recourse to independent courts to enforce private contracts. Without the right to contract & the courts to enforce it, you only think you are “free.”
Elijah Cummings (D-MD) nightmare.
How else could the Democratic Party’s cadres of Melowese Richardsons per form their assigned tasks?
Just an aside, Elijah looks like he likes his meals prepared with lots of chicken fat.